Can't login to the forums (Bad request 400)

My friend also encountered this problem when they tried to log into the devforum using their roblox account.

I’m always logged in on my pc, but I wanted to see if the problem is on their end or if something’s up with the website. So, I simply opened a new incognito tab, logged into my roblox account (from, then tried logging into the devforum from another incognito tab and it gave me this error:

Bad Request
400 | There was a problem with your request

Apparently, I can’t even paste a picture here onto this post for some reason. It says: Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again.

This might also be related to @OopsIStubbedMyToe’s post.

Hey, I had this problem this morning on my laptop. I signed in to DevForums for the first time on that device and it came up with that error. I gave up and signed in on my PC & it worked. I have no idea how.

Has happened before. Attempting to log into the Devforum yields an error 400 on the Roblox site on every attempt

Taking a look, thanks for letting us know.


I’d also like to tell that editing is impossible, too. An error 403 appears.

This should be resolved now, apologies for the inconvenience. Please let me know if you run into any other significant issues today while browsing.