Can't view sponsors | Meshes and textures are not loading in | 404 on all assetdelivery api and sponsor api

I keep getting 404 error for assetdelivery api. None of the meshes or icons are loading in, making development of my game impossible.

Studio errors:

One of the AssetId links opened in browser, showing 404 error:

Sponsors page link for one of my games:

View sponsors api link viewed in Chrome Dev Tools:

Why is this happening? None of my friends are experiencing this but me.
It started at 3PM EST and didn’t go away since then. It’s impossible to create maps, models or any type of assets. Impossible to work with UI, impossible to play games.

Anyone knows how to fix this issue?


Im getting the same errors, not sure why.

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seems to be an issue on roblox’s end(?)
i’ve tried everything i can do on my side but haven’t been able to fix anything

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Weird, are you located in Canada by chance? Because none of the people I know are experiencing this, and none of them are located in Canada.

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don’t think it’s region related, a friend of mine from japan is having the same errors

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i think it could be some kind of mistake that blocked the assetdelivery url’s

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Bump. I am still having this issue. Settings don’t load, assetdelivery doesn’t load, friends don’t load; Impossible to create games on studio.

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This person on twitter sent me a fix in DM’s, it looks sketchy as hell since you have to go into system32
but it worked for me
(make sure you open the “hosts” file in notepad and restart your pc when you’re done)


It worked for me! Thank you.



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