CG-Gun-Framework | #1 In Security | PrisonLife Version |

That still doesn’t justify the fact you basically stole form someone.


Can’t resteal a already stolen item.


I wasn’t referencing the sounds, but rather the weapon models. You even stated that the weapon models were ‘ripped from Prison Life’, it doesn’t make it any better that it’s an ‘already stolen item’. You are still using someone else’s assets, and you are redistributing it.


Well, you can. If 1000 developers steal an asset, isn’t it copyright infringement anymore? It still is.

If someone else robbed a bank and you did it too, would you still get punished even if they did it first?
Answer: Yes, you’ll still go to jail

So using someone else’s assets without permission can’t be justified, regardless of how many people do it.


This post is just getting me more and more views.
I’ve let it go already, when will you?


never, people are criticising you for stealing the models from Prison Life, listen to critism for once


hes not gaining profit from them
he didnt steal them
youre not gonna use them anyway
this is what is known as Fair Use


Fair Use is not a one-size-fits-all rule. Using someone elses gun models without permission in this case doesn’t meet the requirements for Fair Use. Fair Use usually applies when you change or use someones work in a new and different way, like for commentary or for parodys. Just using someone elses work without altering it doesn’t count as Fair Use.


If I recall, this is used for educational purposes as it’s providing the community with resources of how to build an fps framework, the OP can get away with this by simply removing the gun models on the module. While continuing to use them in example videos. Again! He is not gaining profit and simply using the assets for educational purposes.


While the intention may be educational, its important to note that Fair Use doesnt automatically apply in this case. fair use usually involves transforming the copyrighted material, like commentary or parody. Merely providing educational resources doesn’t necessarily qualify as transformative, also, not profiting from the assets doesnt excuse their unauthorized use. Respecting copyright means seeking permission or creating original content for educational purposes.


Yes it does apply, OP can say the model is used for educational purposes and users shall not use the placeholder model (the gun) then get away with the whole ardeal.

Call me crazy, but parody will also apply if OP just changes the colors to black then rename the gun to AKM.


While educational use is a consideration, it does not automatically guarantee fair use. Simply stating the model is for educational purposes may not meet the transformative requirement. Changing the colors or renaming the gun may not qualify as a parody. Respecting copyright and seeking permission or creating original content is still the best approach.

Using someone elses gun models without permission, especially when they literally mentioned that they were “ripped from Prison Life” is a clear violation of copyright and intellectual property rights. Its important to respect the work of the original creator and not accept or excuse such actions.


I don’t remember asking,
Game’s dead.
Game’s Developer gave up on it.
And some of the assets here used aren’t even owned by Prison-Life.


Thank you for posting the framework, please ignore the unnecessary hate.


That’s not a valid reason why you stole from the game

You can’t say “please ignore the unnecessary hate” because that’s just turning the blind eye to critism, you won’t improve if you don’t follow critism, you’ll be stuck wondering why people are questioning your work, it applies to all fields of work

You are just supporting a stolen item from a game named Prison Life, Aesthetical wouldn’t be happy if he sees this


You are just insulting the game you stole from at this point. Hypocritical.


You don’t seem to understand something, this post was made with good intentions. These other posts are not ‘criticism’ and there is nothing to ‘learn’ from them. Free-models or stolen assets are being used everywhere, yet you decide to turn your hate towards this post in which he has done us a favour by posting his hard work on it and people to use it. If anyone has a problem with the assets, it shouldn’t be you but Aesthetical if he truly owns those assets and cares about its use.


Starting off, a good chunk of this code isn’t even yours. The majority of the code is taken from the FastCast: Redux example gun. This is very similar to your previous “contributions” to this section, where you take someone else’s open source code, modify it a bit (if at all) and then publish it under your name with no credits given. The reasoning for this I have no idea, some sort of clout or popularity? Funny virtual numbers going up? Who knows.

Regardless, this isn’t yours. After the backlash you received from the “anti-exploit” you claimed to have made, I wouldn’t have imagined you’d have done it again. But alas, here we are. As a side-note, there’s nothing wrong with modifying open source code and re-releasing it (given you have the rights to do so, based on the license), but you shouldn’t take credit for the work of others.

Furthermore, using stolen models from a game that you don’t have the rights to doesn’t paint you in a good light. They might be freely available, due to being stolen, but just because other people might use them doesn’t mean you’re suddenly able to use them without infringing copyright.

All this, and I haven’t even got into the actual gun system itself.

As other people have mentioned, when ANY sort of latency is factored in the UX becomes horrendous, and it’s virtually unusable. This is why the client needs to run the bullet logic and then have the server verify it, as otherwise players are hit with terrible latency when using the weapons. It doesn’t make it any more secure (because people can just teleport or modify their speed to get behind anyone they want to kill and shoot them, and it’s all fine on the server!) and only makes it worse.

The other “security measures” you have also cause more harm than good. Obfuscating RemoteEvent names is never good because it just increases network usage for no reason. Exploiters will always be able to grab a reference to it, so there’s no point in trying to hide them (especially when it’s just harmful to a normal player’s experience).

TLDR: Stop stealing other people’s code and claiming it as your own. Stop using other people’s intellectual property without permission. Don’t release stuff with “#1 In Security” claims when your security measures are useless and only negatively affect the user experience.

I’d like to emphasise that you should contribute to the Resources section. There’s a ton of great stuff in here that helps out a ton of people every day, but please don’t fill it with stolen assets which are full of bad practices, as it could just harm people down the line.


It’s amazing that it’s 2023 yet i still get to witness people running projectile simulations entirely on the server


So far this thread has seen some negative feelings…
Though I really could care less,
Should I continue updating this project adding R15 support?
Console+Mobile support?

NOTE: This is a clear advisory note for any reviewers.
Many claims made in this post suggest that I have “stolen models.” This is not true, as it falls under fair use/educational use. These models are placeholders and should not be used in actual production games. This service could also be classified as a parody.

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