When I fork the default Animation script, the animations only play for the local player and not anyone else.
I really don’t know what to do here. I’ve tried changing animation Id’s on both the server and client. Using the Animate scripts descendants, and the ID’s manually inside the script
edit1: The last KeyFrame is named “End”. The animations are saved as “Action”.
I think people have talked about this. They said something to do with your run and walk animations being the same. I’m not 100% sure. Are your walk and run animations the same?
Here’s how you can change animations and replace them with your own.
You can press F5 in ROBLOX Studio in any place.
Find the player character in the workspace hierarchy and copy the “Animate” script.
Stop the test simulation and paste the script wherever is most convenient for you.
Replace the animation id of any animation with your own. (Inside the script you just pasted).
Then, when a players joins, you can do the following (from a local script):
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer;
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait(); -- Wait for the character to spawn
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid");
Character:WaitForChild("Animate"):Destroy(); -- Destroy the default animations
local Tracks = Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks(); -- Get all playing animations from our character
for i, thistrack in pairs(Tracks) do -- Stop and destroy all animations that are playing
local NewAnimScript = (Your script here) -- Reference and parent the new script
NewAnimScript.Parent = Character;
NewAnimScript.Disabled = false;
What’s nice about animations is that you don’t need to control it by the filtered enabled standard. If the player changes their character’s animation locally, it will replicate to other clients.
If walk and run are both the same animation, change them, make walk have a separate animation and run have a separate animation. That should fix your problem. This has happened before to others and I’m 99% sure this will work.
You can go in the game in studio, go to workspace, character, then copy the Animate script from your character. Go back to studio mode then go to StarterCharacterScripts and insert that script there, then you can change animation IDs from there.
local animate = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("Animate")
local char_animations = {
idle = 136238818808538, run = 138483999506918, jump = 73280157733104
for animation_name, animation_id in pairs(char_animations) do
for _, animation_track in ipairs(animate[animation_name]:GetChildren()) do
if animation_track:IsA("Animation") then
animation_track.AnimationId = string.format("rbxassetid://%d", animation_id)