Changes to Player List Icons

Make sure to file feature requests as new topics in the Platform Feedback category, because they will be lost here on the announcement.


Well, kinda late to this topic but still. I think the Roblox friend pending icon should just be replaced with a different icon with a different one that basically says ‘its been received’ or something similar to letting the player know that he just received it. It should work as in that it replaces the icon or ‘be the first’ on the priority and it only shows up for five seconds as to indicate it was received. Maybe a thumbs up? or check mark?


This change has just been released. Let us know if you notice any bugs or unexpected behaviour.


Alright sounds good, can’t wait to see what the logos will offer!

It’s always a great idea to change little things like these up, since people, as you said in your post, easily get confused by icons. They don’t always know what exactly is ment by it.

I already saw one of the icons in the past. As I joined my own place, I saw that the orange Place Owner logo was changed to a Roblox Studio logo, then later on it was removed, so I’d assume it was for testing.


Is the leaderboard supposed to always put the team with highest ‘stats’ at the top? I didn’t see this team ordering function mentioned anywhere.

It is extremely annoying at one of my group’s places that involves swords. The teams constantly contest the ‘top’ spot for total kills, resulting in a lot of team swapping on the leaderboard.

Just to illustrate how annoying this can actually be for a lot of games;

Keep in mind that this is just with 3 players; imagine all the scrolling one would have to do constantly to look at other players their stats in bigger servers.

Could you possibly revert this ordered list function or provide the developer some way to toggle it off? @Rototally


I’m keeping track of the requests as well :slight_smile:


Looking into it, thanks for the info.


I really don’t like the gold text and how the mouse changes color when you highlight a player. I would prefer the text to be just bold instead of gold, and the mouse to stay the same since I find the changing cursor distracting.


I can’t believe this isn’t a thing yet. I wish all of the default roblox gui was exposed in a similar manner to that of the default chat system so we didn’t have to make an entirerly new system to make one minor change. I hope they plan on doing this.


I had the exact same thought. Making the localplayer’s text bold instead of a golden color would make it easier to flow with every game’s aesthetic. My game is blue themed and the gold color looks completely out of place.

Edit: I do however like the hover effect, as the UI feels more interactive, but I wish it was more subtle
Edit 2: Changing the name to blue would make it consistent with the other CoreGui and also improve the contrast ratio when you click on your player, although I would still prefer if it was simply bold.


Hey can please do the old style of displaying players, the new system makes the team layout different if you have like a leaderboard the displaying order is now by the highest to lowest points meaning the team category is now based on this and I kinda dislike it. Could you maybe do it like the original style?


Maybe the Teams service should have a sorting order property, in similar fashion to the LayoutOrder property that affects GuiObjects. The leaderboard’s behavior should in general be more customizable, like the chat.


Would it be possible for the premium logo to turn dark with the name when a name is selected? I find it a bit hard to see when a name is selected. I also find the gold text on your name to be a bit hard on the eyes as well when your name is selected, but most people aren’t clicking their own name, so this should be less of a problem.




This change just went live for me today, and I honestly don’t like it. The first time I saw it was because I thought I had so many credits in a game because the highlight was yellow and seemed to act like valuable. I think this could be better with an icon showing it’s you or a better color for the highlight. Other than that I like the new changes.


Know of any way to remove the teams moving positions due to higher leaderstats? Seems like an unnecessary change especially in games that have fixed positioning teams.


Can there be a way to turn our highlighted name off in the playerlist?
It’s completely useless #1
#2 It’s annoying to see.



Issue here with the aligning as well.


This was previously possible via scripts. The team ordering system I had setup is now broken from this update.


I believe this update broke UI in some games, or was this behavior around before?


I’m not a fan of the yellow text on your name, I wish it was an option to choose the color or not to have it at all. I really don’t like the yellow color.