PlayerList Updates

The width may be the same but what about the over-powering transparency, the massive space between each username and the obstructed scrollbar which was clearly mentioned countless times before but wasn’t taken into consideration.

It’s important you inform developers for crucial feedback before launching, so necessary changes can be made. At the end of the day they drive the platform and know game experience probably more than anyone on the “Game Experience Team”.

The more transparent you are, the better and smoother the updates you implement will perform.


I feel like it goes without saying but with how intrusive and sudden this update is, there is a lack of communication here, especially since the update was pushed without some sort of beta phase.

As @ValueKing stated, feedback for updates like these is important, especially since it’s a major update to the CoreGui UI. Many games use the default player list and some interfaces are designed around working with the default player list and such, especially with how jarring the scale is compared to the old one. It makes it a real hard sell to any developer.

Personally at this rate, I would rather just go through the trouble of making my own player list or forking the old one, this one is just way less practical then the old one and extremely unnecessary.

Enjoying seeing Roblox expanding on neglected features on the site, future is looking good.

*But where be the Rename group feature :eyes: *

The new version (with changes) and the older version are fairly equal in terms of quality to me, the newer version is more detailed while the older version is more simplistic

It looks a lot better than the first version of the new version, and it’s really cool that Roblox listened to us and improved it

the only issue I currently have with it is the scrollbar, but that has already been addressed and good work to whoever worked on this feature

Oh in that case:

    if GuiService:IsTenFootInterface() then
    elseif Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
    elseif Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
    elseif Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then

I think the new player list looks nice but it’s way too large when it doesn’t need to be.


It was previously made clear that they were aware of all these issues and requests. There is most likely a purpose for them leaving the transparency the same way it is similar to the payer card sizes having the padding.

Seems like the number simplification is a bit buggy.

What i’m expecting:

While that is the value displayed, it will keep switching between simplified and the full number when I earn just a few dollars more:


I prefer the ability to see our statistics to the right of our username in the top right.

Else, this is the worst player list we’ve seen.


The player name buttons are still way too big. They need to be resized. I’ve edited the CoreGui to make them a nice and neat size.


Honestly, the old one looks good in my opinion. The new one looks neat and clean but still the old one is more favourable for most OG Robloxians.


The brand new playerlist is lovely. (Now come on I don’t mean the opposite)

The old playerlist felt outdated and not smart enough. The new one is round, bigger. Bigger text so you can see your usernames properly.

I don’t I have any problems like others. I’m not sure why there are some kind of big feedback issue on the size of the new playerlist when I don’t see it at all! i focus on looking on the game’s content rather than the UI itself

Going back to years of 2008 when the playerlist used to look like a 5 year old’s work and old

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I actually was going to bring that up in my previous post, but felt it didn’t contribute to my point. Even though they are the same width, the previous playerlist felt like it had more space, because the usernames on it were smaller.

There’s also the matter of being still being able to see your stats, even with it hidden.


The only problem I have with the playerlist is that the “total” of leaderstats that derive from StringValues appear as “-” (Not sure if this has been addressed?)


One, looks too big, Second, looks out of place Third, it covers ui, and lastly u cant see full names, and i think it would have been better just to update the old player list and give it tweening and make it not cover up ui as much.


It’s the same width yes but not centered in the same way.The old one touched the top and side leaving no gap between. That is what is driving me crazy. image

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If you’re not planning on keeping the old one as many people already requested please, at least make an option to localy choose between the new one and the old one because I just can’t with the new one, it’s literally hurting my eyes and I don’t think I’m the only one.


I would like to say number “simplified” should be disabled itself.
I would also like to see my stats again with playerlist off.

That’s all I’m asking for!


Still think it is too bulky. Tons of unneeded empty space between player names. I liked how compact and out of the way the old leaderboard was. This is better than the first attempt though.


I like the new style of the player list, feels a lot more modern.

Is there a reason why the icon for when a player is following you has been removed? It’s now impossible to distinguish if a user in-game is one of your followers or not, sometimes I like to follow people back who follow me when I notice them in-game but now this is impossible as I can’t tell who follows me and who doesn’t.


This playerlist update covers 1/4 of my screen.