Changes to Player List Icons

I too would like an option to roll it back, on a game-by-game basis in Roblox Studio, so that games that aren’t ready for a huge UI like this can disable it with ease and restore the former UI, for the time being.


The design of this player list is great, however the size of it in comparison to the previous one is quite large. It takes up way more unnecessary screen space than it should for a player list, and the padding between the sides of the screen is also much more than needed. I think this could look fantastic if scaled to match the size of the rest of the interfaces.


I just hate the fact it looks so out of place, not just by style and size but colour too. Like I am all in for redesigning the UI but then do it all at once not a module at a time :confused:

Especially for games that still rely on the default UI.


Is the size and location planning on being changed soon too? It is not the type of thing i will ever get used to, it takes up almost half of my vertical screen on my ultrawide.


This is a horrible redesign, look at the amount of padding it has. It takes up half the damn screen, you might as well put it smack dab in the middle. It doesn’t even fit the design code of the current user interface… Please revert, thanks.


Or at least allow us to disable it through a script using SetCore or something.

I realized that it cuts off variable names after 9 characters, which is also annoying. So it truncates values, variable names and doesn’t look right. I opt for a revert.

Edit 2:
It only seems to do so when the variable name is a single word, eg “Reputation”; Not when it’s separated by spaces.


It looks so modern, I love it so much. Thanks to devs that did worked on this hard :open_mouth:


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As a user with a lower resolution screen I can tell you it covers about 60% of my screen by width. For the height it’s relatively ok. (Don’t shame I still use a CRT monitor :zipper_mouth_face:)


I think they are planning on redesigning rest of core guis to match the new design needs


They should’ve done that from the start, not one at a time. It looks hideously out of place.


Then they should’ve waited for the rest of the user interface to be redesigned before releasing this out-of-place mess.


Yeah oh my gosh, I totally agree with this one. They look really out of place and definitely does not fit in well with the rest of the design.



I agree with you, they could release this for Beta testers.

This would look much better if it was smaller and had less padding


I’m all for change, however, they released this at the wrong time. It’s too out of place right now.


maybe it would look better if the top bar was removed altogether, and just had a cutout on the left for the menus, so that the player list can be moved to the top right?

Would be best if it had no padding at all. I like the out of the way positioning of the UI Roblox took up a few years ago. In my eyes the padding does nothing but get in the way and look bad.

A very nice and fitting rework of the leaderboard. Although, I do think it needs to be scaled down. It takes up a huge amount of the screen.

First Impressions
Icons are really well designed, the design idea itself is really good


  • Fits today’s modern design.
  • It’s clean.
  • Has rounded corners.


  • X offest is way too big.
  • Size is way too big.
  • Padding slightly too big.
  • Doesn’t match with rest of design.

How to improve it

  • Make it smaller.
  • Lower slightly padding.
  • Lower offset.
  • Redesign rest of Core Gui elements to match the player list.

In General
It looks really good, fits modern design needs, personally I like it.