Chaotic skylands - my attempt to make good game

Hello, guys. Today I’m finally ready (I believe) to present my game:

Chaotic Skylands

I tried to union “Plates of fate” game with building, and that’s what I have got.

I hope that you will like this game, and give me honest feedback on it, maybe even give me some ideas. I must say before, that game is far from being ideal and finished product, it has bugs and flaws, unbalanced things, but it’s on it’s way!

(Game itself was made in 7 months)

Latest update:

Please, if you tried my game out, answer on the poll in this post:


The tutorial and game mechanics seem pretty nice. My only complaint is that the swinging-back animation seems a little slow, but not too bad. The map doesn’t look too bad.

Overall a pretty good game!


I’m glad you liked my game =D

Tools in my game are the most overcomplicated thing:
They have stats, dependant on all parts - handle, tip, acessories (no accessories for starter tools), which multiply stats and add something ontop of all that.

Main stats are damage and swing speed.
Dmg is simply how much dmg tool will inflict.
Speed is how much tool must be charged for.

If you selected materials to be heavy, like solely iron, damage will be GREAT, but speed will almost nullify it. On other hand, tools made out of wood only are very fast but do little to no damage.

Starter tools are meant to be not best, consisting of stone and oak plank, and that’s the reason for them being a bit slow. Clever-crafted tools have big changes.


That makes sense to save better tools for more dedicated players!

I may play this game for longer sometime this week because it genuinely sounds cool & interesting.
I am also looking forward to seeing this game progress!

I wish you all the best in your development journey. If you want to know anything else, reply here or shoot me a PM here on the dev forum!

: D


Update (let's assume v1.0.1 alpha)


New tool parts:
3 axe tips,
2 axe handles,
2 pickaxe tips,
1 pickaxe handle,
2 saw tips,
2 saw handles, and
some accessories.


Trees had issues with ownership changing - fixed
Trees under specific conditions incorrectly split for sawing - fixed
Rocks health wasn’t replicated - fixed
Some tools materials had zeroed stats - fixed

Chat got updated to use new Roblox forced feature, and support all sort of formattings:
**bold**, *italic*, ***both***, __underlined__, ~~striketrough~~, <color R G B Colored>, <color #HexCode Colored>, <color "ColorName" Requires brick color or common color name like Red instead of Really red>, stroke is the same as color but <stroke ??? Text>, <font FontName BeautyText>. Chat will drop tags if there’s too many of them (Due to roblox metadata limitation of 200 characters - I tried my best at compression).


I have realized that I forgot to make sounds and music for a game and I have no sence how I can make them…


Small bug fix:

  1. Tools which awarded from levels are removed - if you got them, contact me and I’ll wipe them. I gave that tools while tutorial were in development, and forgot to remove them.
  2. After teleporting from round, you will be teleported back to public game lobby, instead of development one (how I missed this bug .-. )

What I'm doing rn:

  1. Furniture will be able to be resized, recolored and some will be interactable. (So you will be able to sit on chairs =P)

Update v1.0.2 a

This update consists mostly of objects, but not only.


  1. A lot of objects now can be resized, and some can have material applied.
  2. Even more objects can be painted now.
  3. Added plastic - material which rn can be obtained only by deleting SpawnPad. Can be dyed.
  4. Added loading screen - game will not just load with Viewport.
  5. Added some sound effects - when parts get damage, or smth exploded. This’s my first time adding sounds, so give feedback on them!


  1. Players in build mode now hidden.
  2. Currencies now show prefixes “K”, “M”… on startup, not only when balance changing.
  3. Fixed some other bugs I forgot which ones tho.


  1. Make objects functional - chair will be sittable, conveyor will push objects, and spike trap will damage anyone who step on it. Other furniture will work too.
  2. Make PlayerList work like intented - It will allow to do regular activities like Friending and blocking, along with some my own features, like :tada: PARTIES :tada:

Did you do a datastore reset or something?




oh i see its bugged out. I think I left the game in the build part of the tutorial and now it shows this

It does work after you go to the part though


If you left during tutorial, then you will need to finish it - in this case, go to building and continue it…
But I a bit doubt that you not finished it.

1 Like

So what happens now


Ig you need to select part to rotate?


I have

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(min 30 letter message)

  1. To remove need of that “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” type <> and anything inside them.
  2. In some cases it’s required to re-select part. I don’t know yet why tho. If this won’t help then please send red text in console (F9)

Small changes:

  1. All tools are now x3 times more powerfull.
  2. Saws got removed speed stat, and got Saw size stat. If sawed object total volume size is smaller or equal to it, saw will work with 100% damage. Otherwise, damage will get reduced by relative oversize. So if saw size is 10 studs, but you saw 5, 10, 20, 50 stud logs, saw speed will equal to 100%, 100%, 50%, 20% respectively.

Important fixes:

  1. Fixed trees and rocks being unable to be chopped, sawed and etc, due to conflicts with part breaking.
  2. Fixed network issues. Game shouldn’t suffer from ping issues anymore. (10-30 kb/s → 0.1-2 kb/s). I forgot that player can have ping and due to this object updates were stacking a lot. Now they are stack on server, and cleaned versions getting sent to client.
  3. Made tutorial a bit simpler.
  4. Trees now can’t be picked up until you saw them.

I feel like I need to write what’s occuring on my end here.

  1. I did party system. It was insanely hard, but I did it. Now you will be able to play with friends.
  2. While doing it, I broke every other system. And now I"m fixing 7 derevative bugs.
  3. After that, game will finally receive update. After a month.
  4. Prob no Christmas related update. I focus on permanent content more. Mb some snow but not more at least for now.
  5. Development slowed down due to me having dozens of real-life problems and works.

That’s all news for now.

Update v1.0.3 a

This update took me waaaaaaaaay longer than I expected. I had personal problems, and other troubles. But I finally finished it.


  1. I added parties. Now you can go and play with your friends, or just randoms, without waiting round countdown! Along with that, PlayerList now works. Except for Report button, Roblox don’t allows us to call Report menu. I’ll utilize it as in-game report mechanic then. For inapopriate builds, for example.
  2. I have decided to add seasons. Now, game will automatically understand when winter, spring, summer and autumn should occur. Resources on lobby change depending on season! Right now is winter, and you can go get snow and ice :snowman_with_snow:!
  3. Game modifiers now give some boosts, and also shown on game startup.


This list will be really big now, cuz this time I took all problems more seriously:

  1. Crafting saw is fixed
  2. Object damaging is fixed
  3. Fire is fixed
  4. Fire extinguisher is fixed
  5. Split event is fixed
  6. Bombs is fixed
  7. Sounds are fixed
  8. Status effects are fixed
  9. RockSpawn and TreeSpawn should be fixed, but that’s not guaranteed. If your game stopped on them, tell me that!
  10. Blacksmith shop is fixed
  11. Duplication glitch is fixed
  12. Fixed some furniture glitches


  1. I still want to make objects functional.
  2. I want to add more events but have not alot of ideas. FEED ME WITH THEM!!!

Small update:

  1. Fixed rock cracks (now instead of cracks mesh they have textured ones)
  2. Fixed bombs - they now won’t stop game if object in their explosion AOE is already destroyed, added “delay” to bomb damages - so no that intense lags will be possible
  3. Fixed building with stone - before, building with it gave non-existant material, which was used for diffirent purpoices. Now that error is fixed.
  4. Added a lot of new events (The whole ONE! XD). It will give a lot of money and experience, but it harms islands alot.