Chat with Voice Developer Beta

Is this update week? There has been so many announcements lol! Anyways, I am glad this is getting closer to a public beta. Been wanting to use this for a while.


I wonā€™t be either. I think this should be taken in a ā€œbenefit of the doubtā€ manner similar to Discord. Users who claim they are above 13 should be given the trust that they are above 13, and if any evidence comes up against them, their rights to the service are revoked indefinitely or until they turn 13. Youā€™re 100% right about the security risks and it really exasperates me that people are overlooking this fact. Roblox definitely has some security issue that will eventually be found. Not to mention that some proof of identification might have really sensitive info like the userā€™s address which would pair with the userā€™s photo, date of birth, gender, eye colour, height etc which makes them really easily identifiable and will definitely cause some sort of legal issue. Plus some people might have spyware on their computer which really wouldnā€™t pair well with such sensitive info. I guess some of what Iā€™m saying is a long shot but it really isnā€™t impossible.

I guess Iā€™m thankful that we are given the option to verify though. I rarely VC and if I ever want to, itā€™ll be through discord or some other platform that trusts that their users are of age.


Hello ,

The requirement of needing a mobile phone is a bad idea for voice chat, as there are some people from other countries where they donā€™t get mobile until 18+, like my country.Its good to add the license/Id verification but I tell you that mobile phone could be a bad idea for many players as Iā€™m waiting for this voice chat, but turns out it needs mobile, I need to wait 3 years for using voice chat, please make this optional, I request you to make it optional atleast for some players


When Roblox thinks of doing it, normally there should be a way for them to fix it. For Phone number usage, I feel that they could link it together with Google Services so that they can match the phone with the email. So, if someone were to use their parents ID, they could use Google to match the parents ID, with their Gmail account, and unlink it with their childā€™s account?

Let me know if it seems confusing


As voice chat gets rolled out, will developers be able to disable the spatial aspect of it?


Yeah, i wont be using this sorry. I am not giving this 3rd party company my personal information just to listen to some kids be annoying in a game. Iā€™ll stick to discord. I get you want to try and moderate it but weā€™re not willing to give out that much personal information. Sorry but iā€™m not excited for this at all. Your asking for way to much personal information.


What exactly are the requirements now? I wonā€™t give my identity or phone number to a game like Roblox, except my voice if you guys think twice. Why then do those have to feel left out who has always wanted to have voice chat in Roblox? It would be really sad if you give people who want to enter non-personal information about themselves on a website. And I donā€™t want to listen to any children who find a way to use it by using their parentsā€™ identity and then Iā€™m disadvantaged, well I wouldnā€™t be able to listen at all, but anyway. Just make the community happy without any pointless highly personal verification :pensive:


Right now we can enable for all our places then who have spatial voice can communicate each others.


This is great, ID verification will make it much more difficult for scammers and trolls to abuse this system.


Are you really serious and would you really give them your identity for such a feature, or are you against voice chat? And btw I really had to laugh when you posted that!


I donā€™t see an issue with verifying my identity, as they wonā€™t store any of the uploaded documents. Unless you wish to abuse the system, there is no reason for you to hide your identity from Roblox.


But you have no proof whether they save it or not. And think of the ones I mentioned and me too.

And can you please write to me privately if you have given it to them?

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Very cool to see this actually being added, however I hope the 30 player limit for this currently gets increased in the future as I work on games that are intended to support over 100 players.

Great feature as always :wink:

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This is great. Iā€™m ready to see how people can use this and I am quite interested to see how spatial audio advances.

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Does anyone have the documentation for Spatial Voice? I want to know if it can be implemented in experiences where using voice input would be a key trait. An example on the top of my head is having a game where players are required to stay quiet.

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30 is still a lot of people. Besides, can you imagine 30 kids taking all at the same time?
Just a group of 3 can be annoying.
You also have to consider the traffic data requirements to handle this.

30 is more than modest.

I imagine and hope that this will increase once we have more control over the feature, who can use it, filters, etc.


itā€™s so cool to have spatial voice in our experiences.

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Great work guys! Would be awesome seeing the limit expand from 30 max players in voice chat.

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Are there any plans for non-spatial voice chat soon? I own a soccer game alongside another person, and it would be very useful for competitive games like FPS to be able to communicate with your own team quickly, as text based chat is far slower than just saying something out loud.

Sorry if someone has already asked this, I just canā€™t be bothered to go through 200 replies to see if someone has already asked. Iā€™ve already searched the topic for mentions of it, and havenā€™t found any.