Chat with Voice Developer Beta

Seems my question has been indirectly answered on sitetest2 lol.

Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:GetAndClearCallFailureMessage
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:GetAudioProcessingSettings
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:GetMicDevices
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:GetParticipants
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:GetSpeakerDevices
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:GetVoiceChatApiVersion
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:GetVoiceChatAvailable
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:IsPublishPaused
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:IsSubscribePaused
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:JoinByGroupId
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:JoinByGroupIdToken
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:Leave
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:PublishPause
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:SetMicDevice
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:SetSpeakerDevice
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:SubscribePause
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Function VoiceChatService:SubscribePauseAll
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Event VoiceChatService.ParticipantsStateChanged
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Event VoiceChatService.PlayerMicActivitySignalChange
Added Tag [Preliminary] to Event VoiceChatService.StateChanged

Added Tags [Hidden] [Preliminary] to Property VoiceChatService.VoiceChatState

Iā€™m not 100% sure but I would say itā€™s due to your account not having the ID verification feature. According to them, you must verify your age by using the age verification system and only then you should gain access to it.

You could use SoundService | Roblox Creator Documentation in order to hear a specific person.

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No filter, but I guess there will be new report about voice chat
if someone swears I guess theyā€™re fine but like if they are racist then they will get moderated, like Rec Room for example
they have voice chat for 13 plus and its really good people dont swear a lot but if they are its all good if they are racist they get moderated so u get the point
its saving the game from dying


They are picking eligible and random people in the Roblox Beta Program.

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Can moderation actions be taken against the account for uploading a Fake ID, or an invalid ID?

EDIT: Iā€™m asking this since I am seeting it everywhere.

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I saw someone got terminated for it on reddit (but i dont know if it was real. Mainly because there was an image in the ban message witch roblox doesnā€™t do now). I think we might get a ban like a 1-2 week ban. but not sure. Hopefully we dont get terminations.


Hopefully it will just say that the ID is invalid.

Imagine, one error and bye bye. 2 week bans got removed.


The thing is, they didnā€™t mention anywhere what would happen in such a case.

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Are we allowed to use a parents ID or would that get flagged for a fake id to the account

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Yeah, i hope its atleast humans verifying and now bots. The bots wont do well.

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I think itā€™s checked by bots first but if itā€™s flagged as not correct then humans manually do it

Iā€™m beyond excited, there is so much going through my head for the future, Iā€™m imagining literal built in studio features for player mic filters, and games based around communication with the game or another player.

Something Iā€™m also excited to see is how itā€™s gonna impact games, showcases by themselves are cool to visit, but then you kind of chat slowly and maybe leave, voice chat being added I presume will have players stick around longer in most games in general, and one of those games being showcase games, so Iā€™m expecting a noticeable increase in premium payouts for people.

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While voice chat is a okay idea on itā€™s own, I have to say the age verification system is a bit over the top in my opinion.


great feature! cant wait to use it

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Yes but I know that. Why would they share it, but why would you want to give them your idendity for speaking with others with your VOICE??? I just dont get it why you all would instantly want to give them your identity it makes no sense, without thinking that its so exaggerated for such an feature


I think they shouldnt use bots at all. The bots could accept a fake id. When it comes to stuff like this bots shouldnt handle it.

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No, the age verification is not a little exaggerated - it is very exaggerated!

Why do everyone write that you think this is a very good idea without thinking a little bit that this is so unnecessary and here in Germany, where I live, YOU HAVE NO IDENTIFICATION OR SIMILAR AT 13 YEARS! Roblox has even deleted the longest posts from me that contained criticism, because of the ā€œIrrelevant Postsā€ reason!

People wake up, it just canā€™t be anymore!

Since I donā€™t use a VPN, they know in which city I live and my internet provider, through metadata still certain other things and then my date of birth as I entered it.

I just have the right to protect my identity and not to be manipulated in such a thing! You can also like my review instead of liking the opposite! And please donā€™t just give Roblox your identity just because of a harmless voice chat! As you get older, you will definitely start to think about your identity!

I hope you finally got it! And if Roblox should delete my post, just leave it and terminate my account!


While nothing is stopping someone from having a bot, the big thing going for Robloxā€™s voice chat is the fact that itā€™s spatial. You can tell where the voices are coming from relative to you instead of them being directly in your ears no matter the distance or direction, making social interactions way more immersive. You just canā€™t replicate that with a Discord bot.


What happens if someone swears in spacial voice chat? Will it beep or is the 13+ age requirement a way to make sure kids wonā€™t here swear words