Chat with Voice Developer Beta

Ok roblox, Im going to be honest here. I dont trust you at all with the information. And honestly, it feals like your trying to force us to verify. We’ll need to id verify to use the new talent hub, and your removing #collaboration. so i have 2 options now. Give you my personal information or lose my ability to have a portfolio or find developers. i dont like this at all roblox. for once listen to the community, We’ve been telling you we dont like this since you first announced it. this platform would be 10 times better if youd actualy take feedback. im losing faith in this platform, im almost at the point of switching to new platform. im tired of putting up with your BS.


Well I can’t see the verify age button below my birthday, is it because it’s slowly being rolled out like display names were?
I live in Canada, is it not rolled out here yet?


Let me repeat one more time and explain, in the blog they say they don’t compi the information, that means after you scan your ID and a selfie that info is deleted nowhere to be seen.

Next, why Roblox would get in a very giant legal in problem rhat can get them broke.

That was an example dude. Im just saying why do you wan to give someone your ID card for this harmless feature. And think about answering too, you dont have to copy and paste!

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I don’t mind giving Roblox my identification, I want to access voice chat and I don’t mind in doing so. If you don’t feel comfortable giving them ID, then don’t-- and don’t complain about it. Roblox can change these restrictions at any time, nothing is set in stone. First it was assumed that only 18+ would have access, but now they’re allowing anyone that is over 13. Roblox is experimenting with a very intricate system which requires a lot of governance to ensure the rollout is as safe & smooth as possible. It’s simply not ready to be released on a major scale without precautions such as ID verification, and whether or not this will ever be changed solely depends on how this rollout of voice chat will go.


18 plus it’s Hard to Moderated The bad words I know Why Is Changed The age To 13+.


Yeah, that also gets me curious. My logic is, is that a school ID will still count as a government-issued ID considering the fact if your school is state (funded by the government). Not sure about private schools however.

I understand if none of this makes sense to you but that is at my understanding since no article even answers this question.


Recently I and many others experienced a bug where the proximity isn’t behaving as it should, and here is an example of what I mean. It happens in every game I join and it’s a consistent bug. In all the games I’ve played they all have the same issue.
Back when I first experienced VC I would hear people towards the right and left of my character when I wasn’t facing then. NOW I have to face someone to hear them.

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Did you even read the blog post?

We want you to know that we take our community’s safety and privacy seriously, and Roblox does not store raw ID document nor the selfie data .

ID verificiation operated my our third party provider

i think the feature is very nice it will change the platform positively

It’s understandable that they need to verify our identity in order to use the talent hub. Some jobs are offering thousands of dollars per month so it gives them more security. It’s the same thing as employers asking for your identification irl. We have to give our personal information when we apply for devex anyways so I don’t know why age verification is such an issue.

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Completely agree. Services like Discord don’t require you to send in ID to use their service so why do we? I will not be sending my ID to Roblox just to use voice chat that nobody else will be either because if this.


There is surprisingly little API documentation.

How is a person to implement stuff like team-voice chat in their games and stuff? What sort of ways are there to detect when a person is talking? What if you want to be able to talk to your entire team regardless of them being halfway across the level from you?

There seems to be no way to change the listener position for the voice chat separate from the listener position for every other sound in the experience so you can’t even get creative with listener positions for teammates since it would mess up all the other sounds in the game.

There’s a lot of things that I want to know besides the obvious privacy issues of requiring a person’s ID that everyone has already pointed out.


Please add more functionality for developers to the voice chat. I’m going to provide some features that I think should be added with example use-cases and code:

Disabling / Enabling the voice chat bubble UI:

  • As of now, disabling or enabling the status indicator if the user is speaking is not possible. This could be a way to implement this for developers:

Creating channels:

  • Creating channels similar to the default chat system should be possible. Uses of this could be like team chats, friend chats, etc. This can make really cool games with voice chat. A bad example by me of how this could be implemented:
local voiceChatService = game:GetService("VoiceChatService")
local channel = voiceChatService:CreateChannel("TeamChat") -- voiceChatService:GetChannel("TeamChat")
local target = game.Players.Player1


Events for speakers

  • There should be events that tell you whether or not an user is speaking in voice chat. This could be used in conjunction with disabling the default bubble UI. I’d like to see this as a feature so I can link the speaker indicator to a custom UI. An example of how this could be implemented:
local voiceChatService = game:GetService("VoiceChatService")

-- do something here?

and for cases like if a player just joined in the game:

local voiceChatService = game:GetService("VoiceChatService")
local isTalking = voiceChatService:CheckUserTalking(game.Players.Player1)

Modifying listeners:

  • As far as I’m aware, there’s no API to publicly change the location / part of where a user is speaking. There also isn’t an option to make the rolloff distance infinite or change it in general. Some ways that it could potentially be implemented are:
-- this function would also be helpful in the use case of custom characters
-- this should also be able to be used on both the server and client
local voiceChatService = game:GetService("VoiceChatService")

     local listener = voiceChatService:GetListener(player)
     listener.MaxRollOffDistance = math.huge -->  Allow it to be heard across the map 

Example full code

  • This would be an example of how a team chat could be created and allow all people on the team to hear each other globally while not being able to hear people on the other teams.
-- team chat concept:

local voiceChatService = game:GetService("VoiceChatService");
local players = game:GetService("Players");

local createChannelIfItDoesntExist = function(team)
	if(not voiceChatService:GetChannel(team.Name)) then

local onPlayer = function(plr)
	local handleTeam = function(team)
		createChannelIfItDoesntExist(team or {Name = "Default"});
		plr:SetVoiceChannel((team and team.Name) or "Default");
		voiceChatService:GetListener(plr).MaxRollOffDistance = math.huge;

		if(property == "Team") then

for _,player in pairs(players:GetPlayers()) do

Apples-to-oranges comparison – Discord knows their target audience (13+), just like Roblox knows their own (all ages). Discord is not COPPA-compliant, Roblox is, since they want its platform to be used by users of all ages. So this is the only way, since they have to guarantee 13+. Without verification, the current model would be “just trust me bro”

If you don’t trust Roblox/the third-party verification provider despite the information being safe, just don’t use it, simple as that. No amount of complaining will do anything.


Its because we dont feal comfortable giving out this information to a 3rd party company. We simply dont feal like sharing this information. If you want to share it then go right ahead. I wont be.


if there was 30+ players with voice chat in a server then it would be chaos


I get what your saying I just feel it shouldn’t be up to Roblox to be doing the verification. If some kid uses voice chat and is under 13, to me, that should be on the parents. And yes, you could say that maybe the parent can’t be always watching to make sure they are in a safe environment online, but then they shouldn’t be allowing their children to be on the site in the first place. That’s just me, not trying to complain (could’ve maybe worded my post a bit less “complain-ish” as I wouldn’t be using it even if it wasn’t this strict), just stating my opinion. I think it could’ve been done a different way without such a headache of a process.


There are likely to be people under 13 on Discord too. And Discord just trusts people that they are over 13 and nothing is censored. If you have to register with Discord, it doesn’t say that Discord is 13+, as I actually suggested for Roblox Voice Chat in my deleted post. In general, when playing games for a feature where the game is for all ages, you shouldn’t do age verification? Perhaps your privacy is not as bad as it is in Germany, which I also believe. I don’t even like it when I upload a selfie of myself on the internet. And if the ID card was looked at by a real person, he would see who I am in reality and on Roblox. And if it’s because of COPPA then I want the source! And if the age verification should really be like this forever, who would use it except you and the public people where you already know who they are anyway? It would be a shame if you have to be lucky enough to get onto a server where someone else is using voice chat. And I agree to zblox164’s post.


Hard To the Kids Bypassing To 13, It’s Hard To moderate?.