Chat with Voice Developer Beta

I hope Roblox will be careful about this update

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That’s sick, but will it only be proximity?

Also, couldn’t exploiters get around proximity chat?

I have my speculations, but I’m happy for this feature.

I’ve still yet to receive an invite when people not even having devforum* membership are getting invited. What gives?

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I imagine exploiters getting ahold of this feature will be quite rare, seeing as they need to verify their ID on all of their accounts. Even then, it’s still remotely easy to mute someone if they’re being annoying, all you need to do is click the microphone above their head and it’ll mute them locally.

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lol we’re not running modems anymore

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Considering bot moderation, I’d say it wouldn’t be pretty hard to fool an AI checking ids. Let me write a program to do just what Roblox has in mind and see how well it does against animated cartoon ones first. I already have in mind the result but I want a confirmation of how it’ll go for the forerunning of the ID requirement.

If it’s a person reviewing, All it would take is one exploiter managing to find someone that forges documents and now Roblox has a brand new issue that’s even hard for the US government to combat.

Either way, This system will be broken pretty quick by v3rmillion or another exploiting community.


I agree with pierce here, I don’t give anyone out any information unless they’re my bank or an official government website I spend an hour verifying via various methods as I am paranoid for my privacy. Google has no records of my name and neither do people lookup sites as I don’t give out my information like an idiot.

Roblox is most certainly not getting me to put in my drivers license, with my picture and address, into any part of their website and risk it getting breached. It’s been shown that support supposedly has access to credit card details before, What’s stopping hackers/unauthorized users from leaking that info elsewhere or Roblox themselves selling it to 3rd parties without permission.

You’re welcome to freely give away your information, but that’s a bad idea unless you’ve got a fake ID and you’re risking your account at that point.


Thank you for mentioning the things I forgot to mention. Btw I love how people are just the opposite of us xD

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If you’re not going to verify your identity or use the functionality provided by doing so, then just don’t use it. Why do you have to be so loud about not using a feature? What’s stopping your bank or official government website from being hacked? If hackers want to hack, they’re gonna hack.

You must be missing out on half the convenience of the internet. Do you own any type of game console? Do you have a cellphone? I’d hate to break it to you but your information is already out there. It doesn’t have to be your doing it could be the doing of your legal guardian. Sure now that you may be of legal age and have control over your information doesn’t stop what could have already been leaked. All you can do at that point is prevent that data from being updated.

Though, still not sure why you have to be so loud about not using a feature. Or is it because you also don’t want others to use the feature?


You are the one who does not want the others to use it if you already say it. He wouldn’t care if he found voice chat superfluous anyway, but at least I think it’s cool and want to use it but I don’t feel like giving any unnecessary information about me for no purpose! This thread does not have to be littered with any meaningless answers but with the real criticism.

It is not pointless to protect your identity, on the contrary, it makes sense! And where are we supposed to be wrong? Everything he and I have said is the truth, isn’t it? If we want to use the function, we still want to be a pseudonym! Why should our dream of spatial voice in Roblox be destroyed for some stupid pointless reason?

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You’re literally reiterating the fact that you find the point that you need to verify your identity stupid. It’s truly okay to find it stupid and to think it is stupid. The same way you can also be more quiet about finding it stupid. What’s stopping you from keeping this idea to yourself?

To you it’s stupid. However to the United States of America where Roblox is currently based, the law is most definitely not stupid. The identity verification is there so that Roblox remains in compliance. When comparing that compliance with your convenience, you’ll lose 100% of the time. You’re currently being selfish. Why does Roblox have to make themselves vulnerable to its own regulations to appease your convenience? That would be putting Roblox at risk, that risk could potentially affect millions of players on the platform.

Just because you don’t understand something, doesn’t mean the idea itself is stupid. Just that your lack of understanding is.


There is a very clear purpose as to why roblox asks for verification, they’re not allowed to record under 13 year olds if they want to comply to COPPA, read Complying with COPPA: Frequently Asked Questions | Federal Trade Commission , at number 3.

EDIT: Going on from your other post, in Germany you do have the option of creating a national id from any age. German ID Card for Applicants under 16 years of age - Federal Foreign Office


How can I trust the ID verification, You guys clearly said it is gonna be by an AI, Roblox has already a history of unreliable moderation bots, How do I know when I upload my ID it isnt just gonna say it’s fake due to an error and terminate my account?


Look I think voice chat is an amazing feature but I do have some issues

  1. Nothings stopping anyone from abusing voice chat, and we all know reporting people rarely does anything

  2. Why the ID? Like I get for safety but what about the people who are of age but can’t get an ID for some reason

  3. You said it’s gonna be run by an AI…yeah I’m sorry but the other bots that run Moderation suck


Yeah litterally I think the same, Im scared to upload my ID and just get terminated because the bot thought it was fake, And roblox being roblox wont care about my appeal


If you guys would just read a few replies above your own you’d see the answer to your questions. If you don’t want to verify your ID then don’t. Just silently not use the feature. There’s no need for you guys to go becoming activists on this thread for not verifying your identity.

All of the points you guys are coming up with are mute. Obviously, Roblox is using a third party for identity verification. So you being disappointed in Roblox’s AI is a mute point. If you upload a false identity, then obviously your account will be terminated. That’s a crime.

If you’d like to talk about moderation of Spatial Voice or how it will be censored there’s a thread on that in #development-discussion this is not the place to discuss that.


It’s not a mute. They asked for some form of feedback. Everyone is allowed to be worried about this.


That’s fine, feedback is feedback. But hanging on to one point to draw the thread off topic is not the way to go about it. Making 21 posts telling people they shouldn’t use the feature xyz is not an opinion, that’s an agenda.

“I don’t like this feature because I have to verify my ID.” Good on you, move on. Why continue dragging the topic in a direction it wasn’t meant to go in. We have categories for that.


The thing is that it’s still an AI. Not only that but roblox runs parts of it. I would personally like for roblox to hire more people just to verify these types of things.

Edit: I should mention I have no issue giving a ID


And Facebook runs their own API. And you can make your own integrations in which you can run your own part of it. This is how an API works. How else do you expect two different companies to communicate with each other securely? There’s also a #development-discussion category in which we could talk about how you’d personally like for Roblox to hire more people to verify these things.

Again this thread is not the place for a full discussion about that.