CheatBlocker🖥️ V1.5.1 - free and strong anti cheat [⬇️550+] (Fully Server Sided)

Maybe you’re right, can’t really test anything right now. Either way, the anti cheat is chaos and kicks you the moment you press play.

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I just tested it. It does not kick me. Works fine (I have it on the “back” mode).

I’d assume the problem you’re having is because one of your systems is delaying the game to load or making it slow down.

Tbh, i saw OP all the time with useless scripting inventions he made, while charging people for them

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What do you mean with one of my systems? I loaded a baseplate, inserted the script, pressed play and got kicked. I even tried to spawn on the ground, but still got kicked.

I did the same thing. The anti-cheat also doesn’t allow you to fall down.

Whoever wants a better anticheat, I made a sequel - NoCheat Xtreme. It’s way more powerful and doesn’t cause false positives at all!


Must be a direct competitor to CheatBlocker. We need a comparison video!


@WHYI_MFAT did you even test it out or you just left it as is without debugging LOL

Update V1.2!

What added & changed:

    1. now the anti jumppower working with the detect method “back” too.
    1. i fixed that it stuck you in the air, now you can’t be stuck in the air.
    1. now its doing and detect things faster.
    1. now the test mode print and warn only when the player cheat and not always.


⭐ Download FREE! ⭐

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It’s great.


In games where there are high places you can change the settings

“i literally got banned for jumping wtf man?”

@WHYI_MFAT another way to do this is to detect the amount of studs the player moved every second (remember if the frame detects theyre dead dont count it)


It still shouldn’t be teleporting you under the map either

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If this “strong” anti-cheat can get 46+ likes on devforum I might aswell make a while wait true loop on client to check the walkspeed and call it the strongest on the platform so I can get my likes :nail_care:

satire, but seriously there are so many ways of bypassing this and the creator seems to have no experience with exploits and their capabilities.

For the creator of this - you should go check out this post (and the entire discussion):


Did you just send a video… of your anticheat not detecting anything?? This is honestly a new level of stupidity.


buddy why are you using roblox record

w h a t

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But its literally a server anti cheat.

Server sided anticheats can still be bypassed, on top of that with his anticheat exploiters can bring other people to them and get them kicked (or even banned if he implements it)

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That requires network owneship of the other player’s character. How will the exploiter possibly obtain such power?

Using roblox tools, exploiters can bring people to them using that.