Classic Blocky S15 Rigs [Skinned meshes]

Stalkalek remade all R6 animations to R15, which go perfectly with this rig. Here’s the link to that resource.


Not sure if it’s just a me thing but when testing out the s15 it caused a whole lot of lag which was hard to track down when it turned out that the lag was somehow being caused by the two example rigs.

If you put an R6 and R15 mesh in the same position, then use the Data Transfer modifier and transfer custom normals via the Face Corner Data tab, you’ll get some pretty nice results.

When it comes to mapping, you’ll have to figure out which looks the best. For me, I found Nearest Face Interpolated to look the best.

(also if you’re wondering where the gray torso went in the last image, i made it invisible so you could see how it affected the orange one lol)


I still don’t understand how to do it, in the documentation they don’t really explain how to go from an r15 to an s15.

making skinned mesh rigs/skinned meshes in general isn’t an easy process you can do 100% in studio, you would need to make a skinned mesh in a program that lets you do that kind of stuff. the only program that comes to my mind is Blender.

I tried to fix the sharp corners using this method but using the exported model from roblox studio kind of sucks to work with… so I guess ill have to wait for OP to release a blender file, unless they fix the issue.

This is an outstanding resource, a dream come true, however it has a few bugs , most of witch are on roblox’s part with their implementation of bones, one of witch i still cannot fix.
Sometimes rigs look like this when ragdolled, i’d say 1 in 5 times, after 3 seconds of being ragdolled

i changed the rendering fedelity to Performance and the collisions of the limbs to Box.

This is my ragdolling function:

RagdollModule.Start = function(Model, Angle)
	local humanoid = Model:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
	for _,descendant in pairs(Model:GetDescendants()) do
		if descendant:IsA("Motor6D") then
			local isBodyPartFoot = stringFind(descendant.Part0.Name,"foot") or stringFind(descendant.Part1.Name,"foot")
			local isBodyPartHand = stringFind(descendant.Part0.Name,"hand") or stringFind(descendant.Part1.Name,"hand")
			local socket ="BallSocketConstraint")
			local attachment0 ="Attachment")
			local attachment1 ="Attachment")
			attachment0.Parent = descendant.Part0
			attachment1.Parent = descendant.Part1
			socket.Parent = descendant.Parent
			socket.Attachment0 = attachment0
			socket.Attachment1 = attachment1
			attachment0.CFrame = descendant.C0
			attachment1.CFrame = descendant.C1
			socket.LimitsEnabled = true
			socket.UpperAngle = ((isBodyPartFoot or isBodyPartHand) and 15) or 30
			socket.TwistLimitsEnabled = true
			descendant.Enabled = false
		elseif descendant:IsA("BasePart") then
			local isBodyPartFoot = stringFind(descendant.Name,"foot")
			local isBodyPartHand = stringFind(descendant.Name,"hand") 
			descendant.CanCollide = ((isBodyPartFoot or isBodyPartHand) and false) or true
	if Model.PrimaryPart then
		Model.PrimaryPart.CanCollide = false
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kind of late but
I used the r6 rig, mixamo autorigger and changed a few options when importing, and it works like expected

You could probably just merge by distance then use the Weighted Normal modifier.

hey! i’m a ugc creator, can I have permission to upload this as an avatar body on the catalog? can i have the blender file too?


Would be incredible to see see this as a UGC item, honestly. The default R15 body sucks so much.
Though, I’d want the bevels to be smooth like R6, that’s just me.

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thank you for the support! i’m sure the bevels are possible, if they are, i will upload with smooth bevels

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hey, i would rather upload this to where i have ownership of it. in regards to the bevelling stuff i’ll fix that in the avatar shop version of course.


ah, thats fair. thanks for the response!

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little update, got it sorted out, will be getting an avatar shop version uploaded soon

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nice, do you have a link? i’ve been wanting this for such a long time

still gotta fix a few issues with the rigs before we can upload it, will update when theyre up


Incredible. Will be looking forward to it!

Any progress on the avatar bodies?

were working on it, quite a few hoops to jump through before its able to be uploaded