Classic Instance Icons Pack for Design Refresh

i have an suggestion
maybe make it a little custom by picking some icons for the obscure classes, like CoreGui and the ones not shown on Explorer

there are websites with alot of those styled-icons

If you’re wondering where ROBLOX took the icons from, it’s from a free icon pack called ‘Silk’.

Many iconic ROBLOX things are free assets lol. Even the iconic ROBLOX sword was taken from some free models website


I’m going to make a fully custom one of my own regardless so I’ll probably leave this one as an exact copy.

It’s easy for people to customize away from this by renaming the files in the zip it they want.

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please let me know if u find out

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Thanks alot for this icons, this saves lots of time.

There is a problem however, when selecting objects their icons are going all-white.
If there a solution to this?


This is something Roblox recently changed about explorer selections sadly. This will happen regardless of which icons you’re using, but it looks very unnatural with the classic icons. The only solution I’ve found so far is to toggle FFlagStudioDrawIconsOnTopOfSelection to false. The FFlag was removed from C some unknown time ago so there isn’t a way (that I know of) to disable this now.


They don’t look bad; it’s just affecting my workflow because I’ve gotten used to associating Workspace with a globe, etc. over the past few years.


I wonder if someone could make a 4k upscaled version of these at some point


Do you have the rest of the icons in studio as well?

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Thanks for this, the new Icons were absolutely frustrating.

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Thank you soo much the new icons sucked

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doesn’t seem to work for me, i downloaded the zip and selected the folder (i put it into documents). nothing upon restart

edit: nevermind they work

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Could you give a quick guide on how to do this please?

There’s a few ways. I edit them through Max’s Roblox Studio Mod Manager since the program has a menu for editing FFlags, which makes it a lot more easier than manually editing them through ClientSettings.

Some of the new instance’s icons are broken but thank you.

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it didnt work i did everything still not changed!

Is there a way to do it without the mod manager?

there is little problem here upper icons is not included can you do upper icons?

The main bar icons aren’t supported in theming yet by Roblox but this has been promised. Once they’re supported I’ll make a pack including them.

exucse me vanilla 3 is had customized upper icons