You gotta dm me, Also, Familar name.
Ok whats your discord tag? (30chars…)
Check the last thing on the hiring script, It says it. samuel#0002
The pay for the scripter is really low!
You are asking for a gun system, a team system, a gui scripted and much more for only up to 7K Robux (let’s assume they will be 5K).
You should raise the price, starting from a minimum of 4K - 5K to a maximum of 12K - 13K.
Anyway good luck finding somebody!
Hm… Alright. I may increase it for that and decrease for others.
I made it 10,000. There. But it depends on how good, fast, and how much they help me.
I’m interested in building.
Get in touch with me!
ER | Esat.#3832
Do you need a music composer?
Dm me. samuel#0002
It’s not hard. Ok.
You haven’t really given much detail on what needs to be built. I need to know the style you are going for etc.
Hey, I’m intrested in the GUI role, here’s my portfolio:
I also did send you a request on Discord.
I’m interested in building!
DM me: vdw0#0746
script the guns, “isnt much work” ok gl with that then
I added you on discord. Looking forward to working with you.
Alr. Cool. Send me a friend request.
I know it’s not listed but most developers don’t know they need one, do you need any GFX artists?
Is your game low-poly ? If so, i’m intrested for modeler.
Portfolio and discord : [OPEN COMMISSIONS/FOR HIRE] Low Poly 3D modeler | Red1Monster
Hiya. We have our modelers done. Sorry!
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