[Closed] Submit Your Pitch for the Developer Blog!

Hey developers,

Share your insights and accomplishments to our Developer Blog on Medium!

We’re looking to publish articles that dive deep into the technical side of various development topics or share learnings from your experience working on the Roblox platform. Most topics should focus on developing for Roblox, but we would love to see ideas that you think could benefit the development community outside of Roblox.

Topics can range from very niche concepts to broader aspects of game development — whether it be coding, game design, marketing, you name it! We want to hear about anything you’re passionate about!

Have an idea for an article you’d like to write with us?

Submit your pitch here:

Submissions closed. Thank you everyone who participated in the Developer Blog!

Due to the volume, we will not send a response if we reject a pitch. We retain all submissions and could reach out to you weeks or even months after your submission if we think you would be a good fit!

Before submitting, be ready to provide:

  • Short summary of what you would like to cover in your article
  • Link which shows us work you’ve done that relates to your topic (can be your game, portfolio, etc)

Any developers who have something interesting to share with the community are encouraged to submit their pitches. We will work closely with you to draft the article and get it ready for publishing (even if writing isn’t your thing).

Thank you,

Developer Relations


This topic was automatically opened after 14 minutes.

This looks pretty cool! I just have one question: Will the topics just involve talking about development topics or will they have tutorials and guides in there as well? I don’t know a lot about blogging, so please help me out here!

And about the game as proof of work you’ve done, does the game have to be big and popular or can it be smaller?

@WoodReviewer needs his own topic for woodgrain. :joy:


I am very interested in this as even though I have made several hundred blog posts on the subject of improper wood grain use in game people keep asking me to make more.


Very exciting!! I’ve submitted a form, I can’t wait to see a lot of development blogs that’ll help inspire many newer and veteran users!


Wouldn’t a better place to host articles like what are described in this topic be the Developer Hub? Like I feel like that way more developers would see them. Maybe there’s a better reason to host it on Medium instead that I’m not aware of. Overall it’s still a cool idea and I’m intrigued to see what happens with it.


Question: What would we put in Blog Topic Summary?


You’d describe what your blog idea would be about in a short summary.


Submitted! This is a great opportunity and I suggest all to apply if you have something you specialise in.

I, myself, would love to share a tutorial on creating your own web API for Roblox. Fingers crossed I’m accepted.


Is there a closing date/deadline for submissions? Currently I have nothing for the game/group/website/portfolio field and creating something to fill it will probably take at least a week, and I don’t want to miss this opportunity.


No deadline! We plan on publishing to the blog throughout the year :smiley:


I think this is a wonderful opportunity for me to share my personal experience in Roblox development and how it’s helped me achieve some of the goals I thought I wouldn’t ever be able to at such an early age. Roblox provides an enroumous amount of resources and materials as well as an interactive development community that has helped so many people including myself take on development at an early age and hopefully turn it into a career.

If you have achieved something through Roblox that you are truly proud of, I strongly suggest you take this opportunity to share that experience with as many people as you can.


Grammar Mistake.

Anyway, I would love to write a pitch for this new developer blog, count me in!


Is there an age for the blog? I am just wondering because we last saw with the challenge thing last year that you gotta be over 18 and not alot of us have reach that milestone


I wish I could know more information here.


This is actually perfect timing for me!

I recently started running some experiments with AI on Roblox that I was going to just share with my friends but this provides an awesome platform to post my results, conclusions and general experiences to a wider audience.

(If I get accepted of course :frowning_with_open_mouth: )


Just finished the form!
I have applied for creating an ‘open world’. With optimisation, fast travel ect.


Wow I would Submit it Good to Hear that amazing!


Can you guys provide what a Developer blog looks like? I’ve already submitted mine, but I’m curious on how it will be formatted / how it will look like.