Color of SunRayEffect

I think the ability to change the color of the sun rays would be absolutely amazing, I have three uses already alone in which I would like to change the color.


Client Features is the best place to put this

You should elaborate instead of having them guess, it would help your request :wink:


Good points! Thank you!

I would like to change the color of the rays when they shine through certain color windows.
I would like to change the color of the rays depending on the time of day, and position of sun.
I also want to be able to change the color of the rays when under water.

How do I switch it to Client Features?-- Nevermind Got it.

I’d like to add onto this and say that latitude isn’t taken into account by SunRays but it is by the Skybox.This means you can have a white sky and sun yet have orange rays being given off.

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