Community Feedback Program Application!

What’s more useful is a diverse sample of the various aspects of the Roblox platform. Hearing the voices of groups as well as games as well as content creators for example.


Great! I, being an active Roblox user should be able to provide some pretty good feedback! Plus, I love that they are asking the end users now instead of having hired people give feedback. Diverse responses.


That would be my point. The survey seems very developer-only based. Where you must be some sort of recognized/famous developer to be accepted. Those who’ve created various #platform-feedback threads would be at a higher disadvantage than someone with a popular game and a lot of visits. Doesn’t seem very fair from the perspective of applying.


I said no to one of the questions within the last section of the application; Will this affect my impressions/results of the application?


I agree with this; that’s why I asked if certain things other than visits would up our chances of getting in. I’d love to take part in this – and I’ve got experience testing things/breaking things – so it’d be nice to see a focus outside of visits. I like to report security vulnerabilities to Roblox via their HackerOne – and have gotten reports through successfully – so I don’t understand why users with experience with this sort of thing aren’t prioritized over developers of large games.


I think Roblox is taking a different approach for this program. Instead of having you test and break stuff it appears that they generally just want feedback for upcoming features. If Roblox intends on gathering a wide variety of feedback they will most likely also invite developers who do not have popular games.


Generally users who can make clear bug and concise bug reports can test new features very well. I agree that it isn’t mainly for breaking, however if a user has experience making good bug reports, than they can most likely test new features effectively.


What if it’s not a studio and just a game listed under a group? Can that be considered as a studio? I have perms as a developer but we don’t have a studio, it’s a group that just has the game inside it and has no real name.


This is really neat! It’s really nice to see all the new community input options for developers.


The fact I already kinda do this, to have a direct and official way to enable them would be an epic perk, as the problem I’ve had with FFlags is having no direct line to engineers. There may also be betas that aren’t available behind flags :eyes:

I also wouldn’t be surprised if im on some blacklist because the stuff I’ve done with the Studio executable, unlikely though.

Here’s some feedback: Instance Defaults are pretty cool, however they go back to the defaults, not the defaults Roblox set for those properties, this is a bit of a UX shift since I’m used to SurfaceGuis, for example, having their render mode set to PixelPerStud, not ExactSize


I’m actually impressed in which new developers will have a chance to become in the Community Feedback program! Good luck to those who applied!


Very happy to see that there will be a stronger bridge that connects ROBLOX and developers so our voices can get heard more easily. I believe that this will allow us to get better things in the future because we have a better link that allows developers to voice their opinions on something before it goes out to the public. :smiley:


Is their chance we get denied this access?

There probably is a chance that you don’t get accepted into the program, whether that be not having enough experience or maybe other reasons that they don’t see you fit for the job. They won’t be able to choose everyone so they have to do some gate keeping so they get the best people possible for the job.



Can’t select any option.
I am on an iPhone browser on mobile, specifically Microsoft edge web browser.


This is an application for the program. We are looking for a certain number of developers that match our criteria. We will notify you if you are accepted.


When can we expect to hear back?


Wonderful addition and good way to collaborate with other developers. Submitted my application. :crossed_fingers:


I have applied. When I was applying I was wondering if there was a age limit and is it mandatory to have Webcam on?


Submitted my application as an active developer. I hope I get accepted into the program :slightly_smiling_face: