Community Feedback Program Application!

I just submitted mine. I’m really excited about this program since they’re now hearing our thoughts!


When will Roblox send the email back saying you have been enrolled into the program? How long does it take? I would like to test new beta features but I don’t want to do the zoom stuff because of High School meets at the same time. I am already a beta tester in the beta testing program for new website feachers!


I am excited to see that Roblox is interested in working with the developer community to deliver experiences that work well for both Roblox and developers alike.
However, a similar program targeted at non-developers, and just regular community members would, in my opinion, be a good initiative too.


I’m 14 and it let me submit my application so I don’t think it has an age restriction.

Obviously not everyone has a webcam so declining because you don’t have one wouldn’t be fair.


This is an amazing idea, nice to see that developer feedback channels are advancing!

I’ve already applied, as soon as I saw this I just couldn’t miss out :smiley:


i am so glad that Roblox is taking feedback from the players for their products.
Way to go!



could we put multiple studios that we have collaborated with instead of just one?


This looks wonderful! Lovely to see that developers can have a voice!


This is amazing! I love giving feedback / my thoughts on as many subjects as possible.

I have been trying to give feedback about a lot of stuff for a long time now but it was really difficult to do so because you’d have to wait for RDC to talk about them.

This program will make it so much easier to do! :smiley:


Submitted an application! Hopefully to get in.

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This is an amazing initiative. Glad ROBLOX is improving their way of handling feedback to improve this amazing community through developers! I applied, fingers-crossed :crossed_fingers: I can get in.

I believe that the best option to improve the website is through the feedback of developers, who make the games and create experiences for other players to enjoy, and this initiative will make things much more feasible for developers and also better handling of the developer’s voice, something which wasn’t necessary lacked by ROBLOX (actually was promoted many times by Roblox), but not always handled as it should have been (always in my opinion).

I’m hoping that this program manages to centre all the aspects of ROBLOX, not just developer wise, but also player-wise, or influencer-wise (already driven thanks to the Video Star Program). I’m very glad that this opportunity also encourages collaboration between developers, something which can benefit a lot of aspects in the community.

I wish luck to those who get chosen and believe you can do great things to the game we all know and love.


Very cool idea! I’d love to see developers participating in feedback & helping Roblox improve. Good luck to the everyone who submitted an application!

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I applied 2 times with same answers, due to wrong answer. I think the minimum age 13, is that right? I hope I get accepted!


I just sent my request. At the beginning, it is incredible to see how we progress little by little and I want to be part of this progress

Is there a minimum age and will you have to be in like a call because I do indeed get bussy but I do have zoom because of school I might not be able to make the zoom calls because of school so the only thing stopping me is that and is there a age limit?


Appears to be a very effective and new way to test the quality of new products and features in closed circles of developers before they are handed over to the beta testers.
Love to see it.


Currently I am working on a game with my friend, but we haven’t made a studio for it so I just put “No” as the answer even though we will have a Studio made soon. Any advice?

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Will acceptance work like beta program, everyone is welcome to join?

This is really cool. A lot of my game projects are experimental so being able to access experimental features would be awesome.
The feedback groups sounds really interesting as well, although since I’m a hobbyist I’m not sure how much of use it’d be for me, but if chosen I wouldn’t mind participating in one.

Awesome job Roblox.


Very Nice. Something I definatly Support! I hope everyone reading this will get accepted.

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