This is my first post on this forum and my first Real building project, so pardon me if i did something wrong.
Anyways i finally finished my WWII Italian tank project, here’s the screenshots:
This project is semi-finished, i might come back later to upgrade it though.
Some parts of it were near to impossible to recreate to it’s real life counterpart, so i made small modifications of my own here and there
Any feedback will be taken into account, to possibly improve it further.
Very nicely crafted and it looks like a lot of thought was put into it, overall very nice to look at and the details are superb, one little nitpick is on the first picture on the main turret the sides of it arent symmetric.
Yes, i recognize it, its a Fiat-Ansaldo L6/40 tank model, i really like what you did there, its almost exactly like the original, it looks great, alot of detail too.
Tho i know the actual tank has its ‘‘head’’ off to the right like that, it still triggers my OCD, great job!
Very nice, most of the time you never see the suspension done correctly, but you captured this (Quite frankly bad tank in everywhere but the mountains) tank very well, and it looks almost identical to it’s real-life counterpart!
Immediately I notice that your tank seems to be compressed, this can be seen in how it looks a little too tall for its width. I believe the culprits of this are those two pieces of slanted armor I have circled in the first image of your tank, in a reference image they are a lot less angled, thus allowing the tank to be wider.
Next, looking at the side view I can immediately see an issue which makes it look even more squished. The front part seems to have been compresses as well, this can be seen in the reference image from both that I have posted and also how the gun seemingly extends too far over the frontal most point. As it seems, the hull should extend just before the gun barrel ends.
I will try to get it a little adjusted where it should be when i find time.
I plan to make more of these tanks, and eventually when i have enough start putting together a museum.
Before i can answer the last question, i need to know what tri count means, is it Try count? Or is it something else?
Edit: I’m working on fixing part of the issues you adressed at the time i’m writing this reply
Working on a next major update, which is the finishing touches on small details phase , so no daily updates for now, however, i’ll be doing daily progress reports, as for today’s entry, I finished up small details on rear of the chassis:
When I ask for the tri count, I’m assuming that Roblox studio doesn’t show that. You would have to export the model into something like Blender to get a trip count. Also, do you use blueprints to help you model?