Completely locked out of my Roblox account due to the Security Notification prompt (Email Address Unlinked)

Hi, a week ago (as of me creating this bug report) I completely lost access to my Roblox account due to this strange bug. I was simply enjoying my day playing on Roblox until out of nowhere, a popup showed up saying that my account had been logged into by a new location. Immediately, I thought that I was hacked, but it turned out that I hadn’t been after investigating my account’s email inbox thoroughly for any strange activity. I then tried to log into the Roblox website with the account (using my normal username and password credentials), and that was when I was greeted with this prompt:

I then proceeded to put my email address into the prompt and requested to receive a password reset link but I never ended up receiving one in my email’s inbox. I even tried to receive a one-time code and still no luck. Even after trying all of the possible methods that I could find to recover my Roblox account, not to mention attempting to revert it using an account revert link (that I had originally received inside of my email’s inbox after adding additional account information to the account) since my Roblox account is so young that I still have all of its original emails including the original email verification link, and others. This didn’t work either, as when I attempted to revert my account back to a previous state, the Roblox website just responded with an error. It also consumed my Authenticator backup codes every time that I tried to use them to revert the account, without giving me my account back, which is strange.

So, after that failed - I decided to bite the bullet and try to negotiate with Roblox Support. However, after creating countless support tickets and sending countless replies to them (from the original and only email address ever associated with the account, mind you) including lots of proof that I was the original owner, they still could not verify that I was the owner of the account saying that there is no email address linked to it when there in fact was. They have stopped responding to my replies as of this point, and this forum is the only option that I have left. I really hope that I can get my account back as it means so much to me.

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Completely losing access to my Roblox account shouldn’t have happened as my account was fully secured with a verified email address and other recovery methods including the Authenticator method. I have also noticed that after creating a certain amount of Roblox Support tickets and / or replies whilst using one email address, the support page starts responding with an error - basically meaning that your email address has been temporarily blocked from the Roblox Support page.

If you somehow managed to read all of this, thank you.

Related Post:

Expected behavior:

The Security Notification prompt should only reset the Roblox account’s password.

Actual Behaviour:

The Security Notification prompt did not reset my Roblox account’s password. It unlinked my email (possibly including all other recovery methods) rendering the account inaccessible besides logging in via my normal username and password to access the Security Notification prompt, meaning that I had basically been completely locked out of my Roblox account. Merely logging in to my Roblox account via its normal username and password to access the Security Notification prompt is a chore, too due to having to do an annoying captcha every time, but that issue is not the focus of this Bug Report.

Reproduction Steps:

Log into your Roblox account using your username and password and then put the account’s email address into the Security Notification prompt to receive a password reset link. (If you had previously linked and verified an email to that specific Roblox account)

First to last issue experience date:

A week ago (as of me creating this bug report), and I am still experiencing it on my account now.

A private message is associated with this bug report


WOO! I managed to get my account back! Thank you so much! I honestly thought that it was gone for good. From now on, I am going to be extremely careful with how I play on my Roblox accounts which are of importance to me. To anybody else experiencing this issue, I suggest you do the following:

Create a Bug Report just like how I did mine (make sure to give a clear indication to Roblox Staff of what the issue is that you are experiencing in the Title and in the Bug Report itself), so something along the lines of "Completely locked out of my Roblox account due to Security Notification (Email Unlinked) for the Title, and say you got fully locked out of your Roblox account or something along the lines of that for the actual report. (make sure to make it more detailed if you can), and in the private message section be sure to link information like your Roblox account’s original email address, your current Roblox Support ticket, etc.

My solution is really funny too, as I just randomly decided to log into my Roblox account, and it actually worked. You should have seen the look on my face when I was greeted with an Authenticator prompt instead of the Security Notification prompt. For my case, my email address was not linked back manually or automatically. I just logged into my Roblox account using my normal username and password, put in my Authenticator code and I was in. I realized that there was no email address linked, so i put a new one on and verified it. That’s all. Maybe Roblox has started rolling out some form of patch for this bug? No idea.

I am extremely grateful that I managed to get my Roblox account back, and I hope that you all that are currently experiencing this issue can get yours back too. Good luck! I will be hanging out on this forum for a little while longer to give out any potential advice to anybody else that I can find experiencing this issue.

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