I am sure all my ui designer buddies here have known the pain of trying to round individual corners of a gui using images and know that it can be a hassle when you dont got the right cornerradius you want.
Well fear not as I have created this whatever the hell the plugin is.
Here is some footage of it to see how it works and how simple it is! Even a 9yr can operate this!
Bad! Its stupid it got no use I am better off using millions of images because I like pain.
For all the haters of this post that actually is helping a lot of people.
This will not cause massive performance drop for anyone. As gui elements measly take a few mb’s or perhaps even kb’s of space on ram and they do not require too much to render for CPU and GPU as well.
If you use this more than like 5 times then you may see some lag at around 50x its usage.
Its just using 4 frames on each corner than adding a frame in each double that size and setting them to the corners and then adding a ui corner. Honestly you can just use the plugin and see for yourself instead of pondering on how I made it.
It’s not magic nor a secret. The “trick” is just using 4 frames to mimic the corners, actually this trick can be very expensive in terms of performance if you use it a lot, so I’d recommend use images instead for all of those reading this.
Well it seems like you do not know anything about GUI my dead fellow. GUI do not cause lag. If you even use 10,000 gui elements it wont cause lag. Parts do infact cause lag but gui elements do not.
Sad. Anyways its just using 4 frames on each corner than adding a frame in each double that size and setting them to the corners and then adding a ui corner. Honestly you can just use the plugin and see for yourself instead of pondering on how I made it.
I will see about that. I can give you more topics about how gui elements don’t cause lag unless as said in that topic its 45k which no one would do. Ask me for more proof.
You can check at CanvasDraw posts regarding performance if you have some doubts. Also that post states that you need to use invisible frames. Plus you need to consider the fact that every instance takes a place in memory to save properties, so you can get a fps drop on many many frames.
I’d be happy to run a benchmark. (Around 2000 frames you get FPS under 100, which is still decent but not for fps unlocked users)
Run a benchmark then. I am sure gui elements can not possible cause lag as what are you gonna do? Run a freaking render on the simple 2d shapes? Also good luck making images that you would wanna change later on. Your the only one here who thinks “Gui Causes Lag”.
Yea I know right! I wanted this as well but I didn’t knew the trick until a few weeks ago when I just thought of it and well now here we are. And here I am arguing with a person saying: NooOOo 8 MorE guI elEmeNts GonNa MaKE mY pC exPloDe
I’m sure you know nothing about how the renderer works internally, but basically explained in simple terms, you have to send drawing commands and each Frame is a drawing command so it will increase the time between each rendering frame because there are more rendering commands. This same problem happens when you have a lot of meshes in all of the game engines.
Can you and jack stop fighting, if you don’t liке this epic resource, then vote “Bad! Its stupid it got no use I am better off using millions of images because I like pain.” in the poll, nothing is stopping you from doing so, this doesn’t cause lag in any way
So your saying 8 more gui elements per element that would be 2 or 3 if a person wants or a max of lets say 10 so basically 80 more gui elements will cause soo much lag that your FPS will drop from 60 to 59?
Lets stop this nonsense. You clearly haven’t done research. I will not be responding to any further things.