Create a Root Motion based animation system

Bumping this again, this feature is needed.


This feature is very useful and very important for development, we need it;
Root Motion would give us many possibilities, I don’t understand why it hasn’t been added yet.


This would help make games more realistic which I’m pretty sure is what Roblox wants. This def needs to be added!

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I think there was an example of this at RDC; either this or procedural animation. It was the demo where a object flies into the character, and the character got knocked backwards and the animation followed the motion.

Bumping this up so it can be added

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I did actully ask a question about this and here is the answer:

He replied to it in the end though i don’t know when it is going to release


Bumping this! I hope roblox adds this for both R6, R15, and other sorts of rigs with their respective animations. (Hopefully we also get some sort of animation tree system.)

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I don’t know when these were added, but Animator.RootMotion and Animator.RootMotionWeight seem related to the implementation of this feature. @Wunder_Wulfe

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ROBLOX Should add animation blueprints and blendspaces

I made a plugin for that: AnimationTree | Edit and mix your animations before and during run-time easily with the new tree node system

This seems to be in the works, if you check the documentation for “Animator” we have read only properties with the name RootMotion & RootMotionWeight



I have seen that and I am curious as to what the CFrame implementation entails. One of the key factors about root motion is that it can interact with physics, like walking into, up, or off of things, and looped walking animations can continuously move the root.

I think a demo of root motion (looking) animation was at RDC, with the character being hit by a flying object and the animation reacting to the force. There’s a possibility of it being procedural animation, but it looked promising. There’s also a new (unreleased) Instance called AnimationConstraint, which seems to be a blend of physics and animation.

This would be fantastic for non humanoid enemies with 4 legs!

longer “noodly” enemies could benefit from this so much.

here once again to bump this is an absolutely vital feature for games with combat similar to the souls series where the characters move with every swing

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This is an extremely needed feature, it would assist me immensely with a couple of my projects. I’ve been having to resort to hacky methods to produce adequate results in the meantime.

There is a Fast Flag called:


There’s nothing much else to say about it.

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This would help animators a lot! It would be great if Roblox added it.

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Would be a awesome feature to have!

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How after all these years they havent added it