CreatePlaceAsync() does not copy template place configurations

Using CreatePlaceAsync does not copy web configurations of the template place.

I’ve tested and confirmed this is the case for max players and chat type. Max players will be set to 10 with preferred at 6, and chat type will be set to classic. These will be the settings for the newly created place regardless of the settings for the template place.

Here are some other users that have experienced the same issue:


Ayy, I’m not getting this glitch anymore, I can create places with more than 10 max players using CreatePlaceAsync

Simply put, when I use CreatePlaceAsync, the function is creating a place with a max player count that does not reflect the max players that the template has.

For example, my template place has a max player count of 100.
But every place created from this template has a max player count of 50.


I may be wrong, but isn’t the max player count for non Roblox beta members 50? Could it be possible that the value is being clamped rather than not set at all, and that clamp doesn’t respect whether the owner of the place using CreatePlaceAsync is part of the Roblox beta? Try running CreatePlaceAsync on a place with a < 50 player cap and see if the resulting created place’s max player count changes.


Max is 200 for me

I’m aware the max is 200 for you, as 100 is also a value only given to Beta testers only. Did you test what I proposed?