Creating Proper Anti-Exploits: The Ultimate Guide

How do I create an proper anti exploit?

Do you want to know how to secure your game? Do you want to know how to make a Roblox anti-exploit? Well, this is the guide for you.

Lets start with Sanity Checks.

Sanity checks are the act of validating data or variables to ensure that they are what they are expected to be and to prevent errors that could occur if incorrect data is processed. For example, in remote events exploiters are able to send incorrect data and do stuff they aren’t supposed to do, lets create an example Item purchase Remote Event.

RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, ItemName, Price)
   Player.leaderstats.Cash.Value -= price
   ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(ItemName):Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack
   if LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Cash.Value >= price then
     RemoteEvent:FireServer("Sword", price)

This is a bad way to create a Shop Remote, an exploiter could just Fire the RemoteEvent with false arguments, and get the weapon for free, an example of this:

RemoteEvent:FireServer("Sword", 0)

Done, the exploiter just got the sword for free! This is not good, lets sanitize the remote and make sure they can’t do this, lets add a check and make sure the user has enough money on the server.

RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, ItemName, Price)
   if Player.leaderstats.Cash.Value >= Price then
      Player.leaderstats.Cash.Value -= Price
      ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(ItemName):Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack

Awesome, now the exploiter cannot spoof there leaderstats value and fire the remote, getting the sword for free, but they can still fake the price value, lets fix that, lets validate the price on the server.

RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, ItemName)
   local Price = Items[ItemName].Price
   if Player.leaderstats.Cash.Value >= Price then
      Player.leaderstats.Cash.Value -= Price
      ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(ItemName):Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack

In this scenario, we have a table named Items that’s storing all the prices of tools inside of it. Now, the exploiter cannot get the item for free by firing the remote with the price set to 0. Let’s now make sure the ItemName is a string so that the exploiter doesn’t try to cause an error in the script. Additionally, let’s make sure the item actually exists.

RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, ItemName)
   if type(ItemName) ~= "string" then 
   if not Items[ItemName] then

   local Price = Items[ItemName].Price
   if Player.leaderstats.Cash.Value >= Price then
      Player.leaderstats.Cash.Value -= Price
      ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(ItemName):Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack

Good Job! We have successfuly secured our remote the exploiter cannot error the script nor get the weapon anymore, wasn’t that easy?

Now, lets move on to Relying on the client

You have likely heard the phrase “Never trust the client” numerous times. However, it actually depends on what you’re trusting the client with. Players have full control over their client, they can manipulate and alter information. But, this doesn’t mean you should solely rely on the client for everything. When creating anti-exploits, don’t base them solely on the client, as it can provide false information. You can utilize the client, but don’t rely on it entirely.

Lets also talk about False Positives

While developing your anti-exploit, you are prone to having false positives. Now, what exactly are false positives? This means that an innocent player who has not exploited in the game has been falsely detected by your anti-exploit. You should keep this in mind at all times and always attempt to prevent these false positives from happening. For example, a teleport check could false positive on a laggy player. Since on the server, they were randomly teleported to a position due to their connection, they will get flagged by your teleportation check unless you have the proper measures in place against it.

Lets now move on to basic detections such as teleporation

We are going to create a server script that detects whenever a user teleports. How, you may ask? Simple, by using magnitude . We are going to compare the user’s first position with their second position, calculate the magnitude value, and check if it’s too high.

Let’s start by getting position A, which can be obtained by gettingthe X and Z axis of the character. It’s important to ignore the Y axis to avoid false positives.

local HumanoidRootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart
local Position =, 0, HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position.Z)

Now, let’s wait a second and get position B.

local NewPosition =, 0, HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position.Z)

Alright, now that we have position B, let’s get the magnitude value.

local Magnitude = (Position - NewPosition).Magnitude

Now, the magnitude represents the number of studs the user traveled between position one and position two in one second.

So, lets check if the user walked too many studs, we are going to check if the magnitude is higher then the users walkspeed by 3

if Magnitude >= Humanoid.WalkSpeed + 3 then
   print('Teleporation Detected')

And now, we have scucessfully detected teleporation! Good Job.

Teleporation Code

local HumanoidRootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart
local Position =, 0, HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position.Z)
local NewPosition =, 0, HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position.Z)
if Magnitude >= Humanoid.WalkSpeed + 3 then
print(‘Teleporation Detected’)

And with that, this guide has now concluded, do you have any suggestions? Feel free to post or PM me. I will continue to edit this guide with more information.

Other Awesome Guides You Could Use

Guide by Reapimus: A Guide to Making Proper Anti-Exploits - #5 by iGottic
Guide by Dancdx: How exploits work and how to combat them

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This is a great tutorial! Would you suggest storing the price in a number value that is parented to ServerStorage?

I don’t see the problem of storing it inside a table, If you are going to use the price for multiple scripts you could probably store it under a number value in ServerStorage, or you could make an attribute for the tool named “Price”


Oh I really like the attribute idea. Funnily enough I almost never use attributes, just because I like using concrete values lol.


What should I add next?

  • Integrating Game Mechanics
  • Ways of detecting exploits such as teleportation

0 voters


This should be commonsense to not limit everything with the server itself but great tut i gess…

Anti-Teleportation Sample Code has been added to the guide!


I like the idea of this topic, I rally like it, the only problem with it is that exploiters might see this and adapt


Exploiters know everything said here, just game devs not implementing


Hey! Do any of you have suggestions for the tutorial? If so please list it down.

You should teach us how to prevent metatable hooking and similiar things to that, or something else if you would like to.

I will most likely not show methods on how to detect hooking because I already know the amount of devforum members which are gonna say “this is gonna false”, “they can disable the script”, “the can delete the script”, “they can hook the anti hook”, stupid devforumers


I fully agree with you, honestly this just made my day, lol


this is the most factual thing ever


Uhhh… Multiplication? You know you can, 0, 1)… Good tutorial though.

These anti-cheat posts are dumb, if your game is a competive game just make a server-sided player character but add a client-prediction to it to smooth out input delay, otherwise if your game is let’s say a pve game then closest thing to cheaters that you can get is loop kill all npcs, teleport to end markers or things like that if your game is poorly structured, else maybe dataminers but those aren’t that bad unless your the person who puts api keys in stringvalues or something idk

this wouldn work cuz the expoil=ters would just change the table of the magnitude and wont detect if statements

Exploiters can’t change something that’s server sided iirc, so that wouldn’t work.