Creator AMA with Nick and Greg Tomorrow!

Is unity-styled terrain grass (Image Grasscards) being added anytime soon?


Hey Nick and Greg! Are there any plans for improving/optimizing roblox’s server ping? And if so how?
Roblox has gotten better with preformance but still could use some improvement with it.


I don’t know if people are incapable of reading or I missed something, but there will be a seperate topic to ask questions. (These are all great questions though, I wish to see ping improvements and a moderation overhaul)

Also, if you have high hopes for anything related to lighting or graphics I’d drop them as low as possible.

This take about automation is absolutely FRIGHTENING and will actively harm performance on most devices. I don’t see why users cannot juat fine-tune it to get the mix of performance they want.


Just now I see it they should close the comments here soon


I’m just curious how you envision it. Roblox Studio already has a complex interface designed for desktop use, where it takes up a lot of screen space, and I find it difficult to imagine how all of that could fit on a small mobile display.


it will never happen. mobile devices aren’t built for this purpose


Impossible, that will never happen even in 100 years

Godot Engine actually made their own mobile version of their engine, and it is crappy.


Something like studio lite but way better!


How would that even work? mobile devices are not ready for that type of stuff.


If you want this nonsense, implement it yourself as a standalone piece of software. With the recent announcement of the Beta Open Cloud Engine API, you can load experiences without using an engine client or platform. This will never be official anyway, because there’s no way to do anything more useless than port Roblox Studio to phones. In any case, I highly doubt that you will succeed.


This got me thinking: what if there’s a mobile app that allows you to browse the explorer, change properties and edit scripts? As well as some options to save/publish the game and migrate servers.

This wouldn’t have much use for designers, but it has a pretty big impact for programmers. Let’s say you need to change an attribute or update a price, or maybe hotfix something even though you’re away from home?

Developers with a Git CI/CD workflow can do this already, for example in GitHub:

Scripts can be clicked on and edited, properties could be changed with a .meta.json. After committing the changes and pushing it to production, an Action runner deploys it to the game with Lune.

Having such an app specifically for Roblox games would be ideal, as this would be much more accessible than the Git deployment setup.

Getting off-topic so I’ll leave it with that, but there are definitely possibilities where an app is useful.


I may be wrong now, but I have seen a similar program somewhere. There is an API Wrapper for the Open Cloud Engine service. Based on this API, creating your own application will not be particularly difficult for implementing the CI/CD workflow.


Any likelihood of being able to animate scale (as well as position and rotate) and have that be imported from FBX files. It would go a LONG way to improving the things you’re able to do with animations. Thanks.


Given the increase in arm processors on windows is compatibility with this platform planned?


Can you guys add Block Coding to roblox studio? this might sound bad, but it will help many developers who don’t have Luau experience!

btw you could use AI to turn Luau scripts into blocks instead of manually adding them!


Question regarding free UGCs: Are there any plans to lower per-unit fees for free UGC limiteds? We were promised about this almost a year ago and no changes at all… Opening up Marketplace to More Creators

(also its becoming harder to keep up with the fee :pray: )


Its literally gonna start at 00:00 for me ;-;, can we get like 3 AMA sessions or longer sessions for timezone differences?

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Hi all! The AMA thread is now open for questions here:

Please re-ask your questions in that thread. Thank you!


It could be a mobile-friendly version, something like the new generation of studio, thinking is free!!

when will creators get GPU access? I need it so badly.