Creator Icon in PlayerList


Meh. [/quote]The red one would probably look better there.[/quote]

Yah. Both would need some touching up on the edges.

@GollyGreg’s hammers:

I like the red hammer. The just plain hammer sort of gives off a moderator/ player admin vibe and not really like the main important user. The red one gives it more of that Roblox “importance” feel, like it has more significance or presence.

I actually think that the bricksmith badge icon is a good idea, as mentioned earlier by somebody who I don’t remember.

Added red hammer with a very small shadow

This will be a super useful feature. There have been so many instances where I was told I wasn’t the owner when I was at my own place.


Added red hammer with a very small shadow [/quote]
Love it,

I don’t like red. I think it should be a more neutral color, like gray.

Honestly, once this is added there should be a table of people you could add in the Configuration Tab. This would be nice if someone like Rudimentality members joined or a crew of workers on a game.

Just use the orange-grey hammer, it looks good if you make it less transparent (or just make the orange brighter)

So here’s my idea for a cog. I think it gets the point across nicely, and it matches any background and color scheme.

That cog is very nice. Great job.

The cog makes it look like you could click it and expect a settings menu or something. I’d be in favor of the hammer if a bit of border was added to make it pop more.

I found some cogs on the internet

Edit: anaminus is right, cogs are for options lol.

Edit: bevel:

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I agree that it looks like a button. I was trying to use the gradient to make it look poppy, so it doesn’t look too much like a button. That didn’t work out so well.

I don’t like the hammer (at least the current design of it) because it’s a bit difficult to make out and doesn’t really match the aesthetic, imo. Maybe something like a star?

We could also just use one of the silk icons

Silk icons you say

signifies has access

could be confused with verified email

ability to edit

could be confused with a GM

confused with some sort of prize

ability to edit

generating ideas for game

property ownership

ability to upload/build

upload/build and write scripts

confused with vet

[quote] Silk icons you say

The flag, wrench, and bricks seem like good ideas.

Ey can we cut pictures out of quotes please they just waste bandwidth and page space

I think the owner should be able to set in the game page an icon however it must be 100x100 (Maybe for 10R$?) or you can pick from a few standard ones

Here’s my half-assed attempt at a hammer.

I kind of like the “ownership” indicated by the key

. The wrench once again looks like an edit button.

I wouldn’t mind three “classes” of players in game. AT LEAST for Private Servers.