Creator Roadmap - AMA with Nick and Tian [Oct 4, 2023]

I had asked this in the previous one but it got locked.

Whats in the pipeline regarding plugin functionality, one feature I’ve been requesting for a few months now is deeper access to the underlying analysis tooling (AST tokens etc.) to make reading script behaviour and shape easier.

Hi Nick and Tian!

First of all, thanks for staying transparent with the community. You’re absolute legends for doing so.

I asked this during the last AMA but it was never answered.

As someone who works with translations in my work, the manual localization tools are very lackluster and broken at best. It has forced us to move entirely off-Roblox with localization and utilize the downloadable .csv file.

While that has its ups and downs, will we see improvements coming to the Translator Portal?

Right now, the translator portal just outright rejects any and all strings that trigger the filters without telling us what exactly has been filtered out, nothing distinguishes the AI translations from manual ones at a glance and there are a few other QOL things that the portal desperately needs (made a devforum post about it in Nov '21 and there are still no changes, hell the new localization portal made some of the highlighted issues worse.).

Roblox pushes for connecting the world pretty heavily but looks to have dumped the translators somewhere on the road there and isn’t looking at us at all. I hope to hear from you guys about this :smile:


I know this is a very frequently asked question so I’ll post it here and ask on the behalf of many, so it can be answered officially:

Will there be any plans on increasing DevEx rates? The economy is changing both in ROBLOX and the world itself, however DevEx rates don’t reflect the changes. I won’t go too much in detail, but the post below gives great reasons:


Privacy is of utmost importance. When a government-issued ID is scanned for verification, an anonymized value is generated, which allows Roblox to verify ID without risking exposure of the user’s real identity. If you’re 13+, ID verification is sufficient to access all features and capabilities for creators on Roblox, excluding 17+ content and experience development.

It’s important to note that age verification is entirely optional. Creators can continue to enjoy Roblox without going through this process, and if they’d like to gain access to features that may be limited/restricted by age, they can consider ID verification.


Hi, thanks for replying!

It’s optional for now, but as Roblox rolls out more and more important features locked behind this wall, won’t a time come when the non-verified development experience is so kneecapped and so limited that developers are borderline forced into verifying?


Are there any plans to increase server memory? It’s no secret that games in ROBLOX are getting much more realistic functionality wise and visually, and I feel like we should be equipped with more memory to maintain these higher realistic projects. I understand a lot of it is on the developer to optimize and use resources sparingly, but eventually some developers will hit the ceiling of the current 6.25 GB limit of server memory (before the server crashes when it hits the limit).

Here’s a post with better reasoning and in-depth detail, along with many people wanting this:


With future changes to voxel lighting, is the implementation of a more visible representation of PBR normal map effects planned? Currently, that’s the main thing (other than translucency) holding back my projects that use Voxel lighting from a much higher standard of quality.


Roblox Connect will launch with one to one functionality, with API’s available to developers. After launch we’ll be working to expand the capabilities to include group communication.


Will we ever be able to register be able to register and deregister controls in the help tab of the Roblox menu?

We are working to make highlights available on all devices. There are no plans to increase the number of highlights supported at the moment but we know this is a common request and are looking into how to best expand in the future.


I believe you’ve misinterpreted the question. Currently, creators who accidentally set their age to be <13 are LOCKED into that age group, and cannot fix the age, even if they have an ID proving they are above 13 (hence “verifying with ID”)


Our major focuses right now are bringing Future is Bright (FIB) to Android by end of year and rolling out a new GPU-based lighting system that looks much closer to FIB than the current shadow map system, enabling better scalability. We’re also doing a lot behind the scenes to significantly improve terrain performance, as well as other improvements to physics and environment like grass length and wind.

Thank you for sharing the specific aspects for improvement, we’re always trying to work on smaller improvements in parallel with our larger features.


Roblox needs to listen to the community more about discovery. What is Roblox doing about that? I’d like some form of discussion with those who work on discovery and the entire community.

Here’s something for reference: Discovery does not respect the community, and desperately needs to change - #2 by Reditect

We are looking at ways to grant creators more control over memory usage and other aspects of the experience runtime. This means better tools to understand current consumption to assist optimization efforts as well.


Will there be any form of decrease in Roblox’s Fee and/or Tax percentage?

At the current moment on our platform, we make a lot of purchases even if it’s not development-wise.

I made a pretty clear board summarizing the entire list of whatever I could find that has a fee or tax.

I do predict that Roblox will keep on improving and introducing more and more features that include a fee or tax them, but at the moment I am not so sure about Subscriptions if they will include a fee of some sort.

I apologize in case this question is insulting in some sort of manner.


actually the tax for UGC items is 70%, meaning we (UGC creators) only make 5 cents for each dollar spent

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Why can’t we as creators view the sales of our assets in the creator dashboard or the API?

  1. using earned revenue in fiat currency to pay for creator marketplace assets is not currently on our roadmap, but we will take a look into what’s possible, as we want to provide as much flexibility as possible.
  2. currently, we have price floors but are planning to update them around the time we launch the changes to Creator Marketplace we announced at RDC.
  3. we said 2024, but obviously i’d want it out ASAP too!

thanks for the question. it’s a big change, and we’re being extremely thoughtful about changing the requirements. we are still finalizing the requirements for avatar items for opening up creation to everyone. the economy team plans to share a detailed post with final requirements in the coming weeks.


Are there any plans in future to allow for developers to let our users select a Lighting technology of their choice? Currently, the main game I work on uses voxel lighting due to wanting to remain accessible to as many users as possible, but we’d love to be able to use future lighting for users who are willing to accept the higher computational cost. To my knowledge, this couldn’t be changed without rejoining a game as the lighting technology gets initialized during client loading, but would still allow for much higher visual fidelity without a reduction in player counts due to players perceiving lag.