Creator Roadmap (Pt. 3 of 4) - Benefit from a growing creator ecosystem

Alt account deletion is a very cool feature, stuff like ban evading is very annoying for game developers. I hope this comes out soon and it would help games where people make alt accounts to exploit for fun without getting their main account banned.


When I want to check Developer stats, it doesn’t take me to Dveloper stats page, and it is even under Creator Dashboard.

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To clarify, we will not be blocking the use of alt-accounts. That is not our goal.

This is for individuals who break ToS and create an alt-account to continue to be malicious towards the community. More on this in the coming months.


Are you also planning on extending the capabilities of the Voice Chat Service (such as support for 100+ player servers)? I’m really looking forward to use the Voice Chat Service for my upcoming game which will heavily rely on communication. But right now, the limitations and lack of features and customizeability of the Voice Chat Service are preventing me of doing so and giving me the need to resort to complicated and unefficient ways of letting many players communicate together. I want to use the Voice Chat Service as a kind of “Radio” which will work how you can see in the game “Squad” where players can communicate in proximity and switch to a Squad only Channel and a Leader only channel seamlessly. Would be great if we see that coming very soon! :slight_smile:


Will this be for specific reasons + temp bans? I have 2 younger sisters who also play Roblox, if they get banned it should not be my problem, and I don’t want my account getting terminated because one of them made a poor choice.


This is huge. Thank you so, so much for making what was probably one of the most tedious processes we have to deal with as devs more bearable. :pray:


That is good to hear. I’m assuming great effort will be made to prevent false positives of family members in a household using the same ISP (ip address and/or PC sharing even).


i decided on deleting my last post as i do not wish to give false information about a feature none of us know about yet. :cold_face:


This is some outstanding news, A rare win on ROBLOX’s behalf.


Better be themes because I cannot stand the dark mode and double sized text
(don’t come for me dark mode users, it helps me read better)
Plus I really hope we will be able to view all places under a specific group like the used to offer, until it got removed today/yesterday


So I’m assuming that alt accounts will be banned if they were used simply to break roblox rules. But, will this change allow developers to also detect them? Like, a way to tell if two accounts are under the same person in a script? That API could be very useful for pushing back exploiters.

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Is creating and managing API keys something that could be added soon? or is that not something planned or easily achievable?


I don’t know where to put suggestions or even if you can suggest anything… but can we get more badge utilization? Creators have been asking for it for years now and I believe adding it will be a real game changer. And by badge utilization I specifically mean re-arranging badge order on the badge page as stated here, and yet again people have been asking for this since 2018 or earlier, so if you see this - Roblox - please consider this suggestion.


Amazing stuff thanks Roblox!!!


I would love to know the full extent of “relaxing the chat filter.”

Are ONLY acronyms allowed (i.e. lmao, lmfao, wtf, omfg) or will entire curse words be let through the filter as well? I’m ID verified, 13+, and many others are, too, and we don’t need the filter to stay as strong as it is. Long strings of numbers and getting “randomly filtered” due to censored phrases in an otherwise normal sentence needs to be entirely removed. With this change I hope you do not censor entire messages if only one part of the sentence is inappropriate.

Please give more transparency, thank you.


This is already available on Creator Hub, go to


The team is busy working on the launch of OAuth2.0 public beta, I reckon we won’t be adding new folks to the pre-release beta by this point.


No, I mean authorizing an application to create and manage API keys on your behalf.


I don’t really follow how that could be useful. Please share more information on your use case as a separate thread to #feature-requests:website-features and I’ll let the product manager of Open Cloud know.

If you don’t have access to #feature-requests:website-features I would encourage waiting for the OAuth 2.0 announcement and posting your suggestion there with full use case details.

You can workaround it for now by creating the API key yourself and putting that into the tool that requires said API key.


Thank you for continuing to work on the moderation system. I no longer use my increased audio upload limit or many external textures as I have previously struggled greatly with seemingly randomly false flagged assets.

Bans for these issues are a very jarring, immediately halt to development. I am looking forward to safely utilizing more of the platform. As it currently stands, I worry over nearly upload. It feels as though there is no human involved at all in moderation. However, I understand that the safety of the players comes first. Thanks again.