Been waiting on the alt detection and banning API personally since safeguarding younger players is really important to me and these features would really serve to help out. Sad to see it’s delayed. I’m going to remain optimistic and hope that the delay will be worth the features in the end, I do appreciate the transparency on this instead of not delivering/leaving us hanging.
Wait, where does it say that? I’m pretty sure I didnt see that. (It still says early 2024 on the Roadmap)
Been looking forward for this and since it’s in the delayed features i’m quite curious, would it mean it wouldn’t come out this year or are you guys still aiming for it to come out this year? Assuming this is talking about the hat repositioning/scaling feature
I love the Drag Detectors for UI! Thank you people at Roblox who are working on this
Is there any current timeline for the Banning API?
That’s pretty much my question with all delayed roadmap features
Final Thoughts
I’m a little disappointed that UI Styling and the new Studio UI is delayed.
But, I love the transparency!
Thank you, Nick and Tain!
It’s just the nature of software engineering. Estimating the time remaining on a project with perfect accuracy is nearly impossible since you never know what kinds of issues may come up during development and how long they’ll take to solve. The new UI will be made available when it’s ready, and it’s a very good thing they aren’t rushing it.
this roadmap would be better if it released, with estimated dates. for example, i am really looking forward to the New Studio UI Ribbon, and i would like to know when it will release.
I saw the API, I actually have more ways to issue it out but idk. Okay, one more way, but idk.
There used to be a video showcasing it too. What happened to it D:
No, please don’t destroy R6. Without R6, ROBLOX isn’t ROBLOX.
They didn’t say they were going to remove R6. I don’t see anywhere they implied it, either*. And as @BritishTrainspotting said-
could just be that I’m not reading hard enough though
This thing that you guys are doing is so unnecessary
They don’t remove the old old old old old Qt resources either.
So agree, it says Tool and yes.
From some “tests” I’ve done, one the reasons r6 doesnt support new stuff like dynamic head and layered clothing is because they still use special meshes
We are wrapping up the beta for this feature now, and once its launched will be pushing continual updates in response to dev feedback. Expect the beta around a June timeframe. There is a much larger thread on this feature with details.
They will remove it gradually. Too many worst updates have been made and none have been revert. I hope they don’t remove it.
It’d be great to have a setting in the Roblox menu, when developers have haptic feedback use. I say that last part because the Roblox Esc Menu might be overwhelming, even in it’s current state. I have a toggle in my own settings menu, but Roblox should definitely have their own.
Additionally, when using the current API, you need to set the motors to zero yourself, at least that’s what I’ve learned. That is not intuitive according to some, and due to that confusion, I assume many do not use it.
Where did Reports & Appeals go? (now named Violations & Appeals)
I was hoping this feature would give us a new report system…
(old screenshot)
Looks like this is another canceled feature from Roblox (I mean reports)
With EditableMesh and EditableImage release delayed, when can we expect it? They were the only way we could achieve certain mechanics in our games, but we can’t release them until these features leave beta.
What happened to the breakable welds and splines announced at RDC 2021?
Doesn’t look anything like R6 in its current state, even less so than R15