Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency

Will add onto this and say you’ve done a lot to get us to this point and even if the $30 price tag isn’t accessible to some people, you are implementing ways around it so people can still use your stuff.

The Plugin Marketplace might have still been like it was before if we didn’t push back against Robux. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the changes personally right now for my use case but hopefully it’ll be addressed soon.

30$ for a plugin that isn’t being updated anymore and has little options to choose from is absolute overpriced.

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As everyone said, would like to have an option for accepting robux as a payment option instead of just RWC

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Hi there Creator Store team!

Congrats on the launch :slight_smile: I am sadly not able to purchase any plugins at the time, based in a supported region.

Error is “Purchasing coming soon, stay tuned!”

Couldn’t agree more - once again the greed of a few is outweighing the needs of the many. I honestly expect plugin sales platform-wide to nosedive as a result of this change, as a result of the fact that a large number developers on the platform are below 18 and unable to pay in such a manner.

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Given the lack of response or justification by staff to a large number of complaints and feedback, it’s probably safe to assume that Roblox’s new strategy to unpopular updates is to ignore what people are saying and later unlist the relevant thread in the hope that it will shut everyone up. It’s happened with the experience tiles change and it looks like it is going to happen here.

Way to go, Roblox.

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The plugins that used to cost 100 Robux are now $10 :open_mouth: I guess I won’t be able to buy plugins anymore. And purchasing isn’t supported in my country. Roblox seems to no longer support small developers. As I mentioned in your other post, the minimum fee is too high, and Robux should be an option. This update is very disappointing.

It is not a good update for plugin creators because I think sales will decrease. So it’s not profit for plugin developers.


Users like Elttob have already made more revenue in under a day than they ever did with Robux. So yes, it does make them significantly more profit.

Plugins were dirt cheap because of the race to the bottom. Anyone who dared to set their plugin above 1k robux received death threats and constant crap from the community because the community sucks. How dare plugin developers want to be compensated fairly for their time.

You guys got way too comfortable ripping off the plugin developers. A hard reset was absolutely necessary.


I think I want to extend this opinion on further by just pointing out something with Robux payments.

People have no issues spending 380 Robux (which is what auroraSuite was priced at before today) because at the end of the day, it’s essentially virtual currency. People have more issues spending $5, because it’s real currency. Robux is localised in some regions which does make it easier to purchase, meanwhile USD is never localised.

Granted, I don’t know what plugins get/don’t get sales on the marketplace, but I just don’t see this ever being a good change for some developers. For bigger developers, sure this is a great change.

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Wanting to be compensated fairly for your time means you are greedy? Okay.

There is no way to create a fair marketplace based on Robux. It skews the value of plugins and means creators have to 8x their price to see the same value in return. The 8x can be decreased, but the fundamental flaw with devex is that Robux will always be significantly less valuable than USD.

Could you, like, not spread misinformation? There’s a lot of feedback to address. It takes more than a day to formulate an appropriate response and have it reviewed by the relevant people. You’re reaching quite a bit.


i was browsing plugins yesterday and now theyre like 20x more expensive than what they used to be :pensive:


lol :money_mouth_face: hahahahahahahahahahahaha

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Simply put, I will never buy these.


Great update! Hopefully this will incentivise the development of more higher quality and professional plugins for the coming years.

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Wait they REMOVED robux option?
Ok this is very bad BRING ROBUX BACK under 18s cant buy plugins + what about other currencies like GBP

I have been working on a plugin I intended so sell for 100 robux, but I’ll have to set as free now as not to annoy others


You can buy plugins like you can buy Robux, it is no different.

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I don’t care. I have robux, I can spend it on plugins if I wish.


Nobody said you had to buy plugins so you don’t have to act aggressive, you said you can’t and the fact is you can, that’s how it is.


Lot of unnecessary drama going on in this thread. Personally I believe this feature is very worthwhile, people seem to forget that ROBLOX is not only a platform for children to play and experiment with development, but it’s also a tool for professional developers to make their mark or first step in the gaming industry.

There are a lot of aspects of ROBLOX that require USD payments as is, such as getting ROBUX in the first place (via their platform such as premium, purchasing it off the website, etc…) this is no different.

I do have one major concern though: Isn’t it possible for people to easily go to their appdata folder and get the plugins source code? Or can you require modules from your plugin which are private?


atleast finally that free plugins and models would not be nuke-priced to paid only but still, the concern of losing plugins by a false moderation (like termination or bans) still arises and getting locked behind a paywall isn’t an easy process to obtain these back since they are on cloud, not on local machines.

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