Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency

Been browsing plugins store, I cant help but notice how overpriced some plugins are for such simple functionality…


A hard reset in the worst way possible. Hell yeah!


You can buy a Roblox Gift Card from your local store, you don’t require a credit card, however this does. Locking younger developers from purchasing plugins is not the way to go.


What did plugins ever do to you… I thought you was supposed to use Robux but now apparently we’re using real money???


Yes, you can. It’s not going to be allowed to pirate plugins, or change plugin code to workaround a paywall of some sort.

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While this is a cool update, I do respect the decision to switch from Xsolla to Stripe, unlocking purchases to more countries, but I wonder how am I able to buy the assets if my credit card has no cardholder name in the card?

It’s not in every country though, and it’s only locked to a country’s currency, I don’t think this is a issue if you live in a country that uses Euros or a country where gift cards are almost at every store. We used to have gift cards in Jarir Bookstore, but it was closed down in Abu Dhabi [it was in Dalma Mall and Nation Towers, but the Dalma Mall branch is going to be replaced with Ikea]

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this just kinda seems like an overcomplicated solution to a simple problem: and that is the high tax rates of robux
the easier solution would just be TO LITERALLY LOWER THE TAX LOL???
instead this method screws over many people, both devs and the buyers of said plugins

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Really good update cant wait until i can sign up myself! :smile:

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Man roblox is doing the worst updates these days.
Since i live in russia and the plugins was the only way to buy robux and they would come to the balance momentally.
Now i have to wait 5 days every single time when i try to buy robux because when i try to buy robux from the offical site the most of russian payments are disabled.
This update is terrible.
And i cant even buy a single plugin because every plugin is being bought by USD and the free plugins are useless.
I hope roblox will add the function to buy with robux back some day.

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Russians can’t buy plugins now, the most useless update that no one asked for…


its all over europe i think, and most developers come from europe (this is just my assumtion)

Plugin developers earning pennies for their hard work probably asked for this. I’m sorry that you can’t buy plugins anymore though.


Same i cant even buy a single plugin when i try to buy something.
And sadly Belarus has the same problem as well…

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I do not live in Europe though, nor have I went to an european country. Most developers come from the USA if I’m not wrong. The top european countries who play roblox are Turkey, Russia and the UK [Turkey and Russia is also in Asia]

Belarus is a post soviet country, I don’t think Stripe supports post soviet countries, Forgot to mention that post soviet countries are poor after the fall of the soviet union



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Can’t all CIS countries buy plugins now?
Hell nah! Roblox should need add an option so that if a person is not available to buy through real money developer can make the price for robux…

Not specifically the worst updates but I’d say awfully inconvinient.
I understand you, I also have this annoyance. And I understand pricing like this: You either support one side being Robux and everyone are happy but it induces insane taxes, or the other side being USD, which makes only seller happy cuz there’s none of this tax shenanigans. Apparently we can’t have these co-exist.

Ah yes, its that time of the month again when Roblox was given community feedback, yet a month later its revealed they completely ignored everything. Thanks Roblox! It’s honestly not even a surprise anymore and genuinely upsetting. It was controversial then and will be controversial now. Like genuinely what is the thought process? Was the expectation that people will suddenly like this change after you, once again, shove a feature we didn’t want down our throats? It’s getting extremely tiring when a LOT of people give constructive criticism on why this change is HORRIBLE yet you COMPLETELY IGNORE IT. Why even post about it if our opinions don’t matter?


Amazing change for plugin creators! I hope this could come to gamepasses one day, would be a game changer.

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But i still hope roblox will add the function back some day

i saw some plugin developers that absolutely hated this change