Creator Store Seller Onboarding Now Open!

I fully support giving developers more ways to make money, but there are better ways to do this than forcing people to use USD. The developer should have the option of using USD or Robux. This way, if developers want to make real money, they have that option, but if they’re fine with taking in Robux, then they should have the ability to do that.

Additionally, if I get Robux from a game, I’d need to Devex that money to use it for plugins instead of Robux, which pretty much everything else uses.


So many flaws in this, I disagree with rolling this out early, at least fix up both the Marketplace & Creator Store before doing these updates. it should’ve been kept the way it was before. Why? Well…

  1. Bots: There are over thousands, if not millions of bot uploaded Creator Store assets that exist & it’s just like the Marketplace with Classic Shirts & Classic Pants. Nothing happened to the bot uploads, and this is where it gets worse.

  2. Search Algorithm: As of right now, the search algorithm doesn’t show proper results, especially due to the volume of botted assets on the Creator Store.

  3. Copying: Anything is easily open source within the Creator Store. Plugins, Models, Decals, everything. This makes no sense, why would people pay for something they can just mirror in an instant? Extensions like BTRoblox offer this kind of easy accessibility for current Creator Store items.

  4. Clickbait: You don’t really know what the Creator Store plugin offers, what if you waste money on something that’s broken, poorly made or something that doesn’t do the right things you want it to do?

  5. Minor Creators: The Creator Store will lose minor creators due to the restrictions needed for having a Stripe account.

It’s like Classic Shirts, Classic Pants or Classic T-Shirts; if they’re on-sale for a high amount robux, can’t afford it? Copy the template by removing a couple of digits in the end, upload it and done!

If they want to earn USD instead of R$, they can use the Developer Exchange program. No difference.


This is a great update for Roblox and a step in the right direction towards industry standards.

I myself, being a plugin user rather than a developer, would need to pay more for most plugins now, but I can do so knowing that these plugins are made with quality and usefulness in mind, and would have no problem paying for their worth. Roblox will also only take a 10% fee, which means most of the money goes towards supporting these plugin creators.



I believe plugins can continue to be sold for robux alongside USD, most notably because not everyone is eligable for it, USD will heavily be preferred though for those who are eligable.


They can DevEx the Robux if they are eligible this is such a flawed update. Atleast have the options of USD or Robux.


Not sure how this makes it not a useful update? Stripe will require personal information, maybe not an id, sure, but you end up providing some of the same information to them.

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Agreed. This update is a big roadblock especially for younger developers from getting plugins, let alone if they want to sell plugins.

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Only available if you own the plugin already for paid ones.

Plugin piracy doesn’t seem to be that public but I have heard of it before.

Unfortunately not, for now it’s Robux no matter what, and once we are on April 8th (dreaded day for Wii U online services highly anticipated USD launch), it’ll be USD only.

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This is a very common issue. I would think the id verification is part of the way to combat it? I’d hope there’s some assurance. If I’m paying USD for plugins I want to know they’re quality and worth my money.

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I will remain quiet on this topic :eyes:, its a lot easier than you think.


My concern of how would I purchase plugins with robux and the problem of gatekeeping children from purchasing plugins is STILL NOT resolved.
I have already mentioned that I am in Russia and I cannot DevEx my Robux just to get the plugins due to sanctions imposed.
I have mentioned the gatekeeping issue either. If I we’re to be a 14 or 15 year old aspiring developer profitting off of some game, it would make it impossible for me to purchase plugins. I can’t hit 30K Robux easily, I don’t have a bank account, what else am I supposed to do with all this hard earned Robux?

Again I feel like it just doesnt benefit consumers, nor a portion of the creators. Plugin developers could be young too and have no way of having access to bank account. I don’t care if option to purchase with Robux would be upmarked to represent DevEx prices, I just want to purchase with Robux and forget all this DevEx stuff like a nightmare.

im not gonna talk about ID Verification and 18+ yet again. its sickening already.

EDIT: Nevermind this actually gets worse. I can’t even purchase plugins at all because Stripe imposes sanctions on Russia either. This is why we can’t have good things.


In the sea of upset, I want to thank Roblox for resetting the plugin marketplace and putting a decent foundation. No longer will plugin developers be paid basically nothing per sale, and that we have entered a new age.

I just hope that piracy is better dealt with in relation to this change to ensure the industry continues to thrive in the right way. I hope the introduction of Robux based payments for plugins which does not result in the systematic exploitation of the marketplace (please see any time there is any way to reduce the 30% tax cut)

Plugins are ultimately tools which assist developers and are not required for development, developer facing tools should have developer focused pricing (pegged to the DevEx rate) and this is now the time for this to occur to allow the industry to thrive.

ID verification is a must for this and is not against the sea of legal and historic restrictions on creator payouts, I think more communication on this matter and how refunds work would be a great help to the community as we roll closer to the release date.


He doesn’t want to provide much information due to privacy which is a flaw as well when you don’t want to give out that much information to Roblox/a third party for your own privacy.

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Valid point; but then I tend to pose the question, how much private information have you already given out, even to Roblox?


I know how easy it is, I just don’t generally hear about it much until people mention it on the forums tbh.

One of my plugins theoretically could help commit plugin piracy anyways :joy:


This is literally the reason why the Creator Store now has a verified filter that prevents malicious/botted plugins from apprearing.

Just don’t turn this on, and you can be pretty sure that these plugins are safe to use. After all, it wouldn’t make much sense for someone to get their verified account banned.

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Not sure. But probably quite alot which is including your account credentials.

Not including any of the ID verification stuff or other things.

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Also what about the countries which doesn’t support Stripe? If Roblox removes Robux payments for plugins completely, that’d quite literally prevent (most? some? would be bad in either ways) people in this platform to be plugin sellers, unless they actually open companies from the countries which support it, which is not worth it generally.


You aren’t able to mirror paid plugins (to my knowledge, the API will not let you download it)

Also, the issue you are describing is not just Roblox.

Assuming it will be from a trusted developer or has a community around it (Or just a well-rated plugin through a dev forum thread) I do not see a problem. Once again I think this issue is not really relevant. I doubt people would be purchasing plugins that are paid and don’t even know whether they work

Plugins like Moon Animator etc. would greatly benefit from this (Assuming the creators want USD and not robux)

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In USD marketplace, that will be practically impossible, as there is countless of layers of verification to pass that requires legal documents, and IDs.

That would be a separate update.

You can file DMCA, and it should hurt the thief unlike before, because Roblox has their legal information.

If that happens, you can contact Roblox support and say that you’ve been scammed, and they will have to refund you if your claim is true. If they refuse, you can always charge back (if you’re using a credit card).

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