Creator Store Seller Onboarding Now Open!

That’s kind of the part that irks me. People tend to make a big fuss about ID verification and the amount of information on it and how it’s going to Roblox, but if you consider what’s on the id, there’s not much more than you already give for purchases you make on the Roblox website. But that could just be me, and probably is just me.


Reposting this because it’s important.

I’ve come across a problem that will affect a certain % of creators. The service that will be used provided by Stripe is apparently not available in Brazil and Russia, which are the 2nd and the 3rd countries with the most Roblox developers according to some statistics provided a few years ago.

Blocking 2 of the largest devs communities from selling plugins is certainly not a good choice. Robux sales should still be allowed.
I can understand Stripe not being supported in some countries, but knowing that, the Roblox team should think about not forcing everyone who wants to sell plugins to use the service.


I can already assure you I don’t even consider downloading a free plugin unless I can be assured it does what I want


I think he means people buying the plugin and then distributing it. I’ve seen Moon Animator use some kind of anti-piracy thing where it checks if you own the plugin before allowing you to use it. If Roblox provided something like this it’d be great, but not sure how it could be implemented well.
Also, I’ve mostly seen this buying and then distributing between friends when they don’t want to buy it.


If you own the plugin you can easily check the open source code, not only that but you can also change it up & upload it.

Just implication that it will be mess, even if stuff requires “trusted developer access”, etc, look at UGC. There are way too many copyrighted, fake-limited copies being uploaded. What makes you think people won’t abuse this?


The mix of real-world government policy, economy, and society compared to what Roblox is doing here is interesting. Roblox is the government that’s making laws to control the economy that we live under. Yet, Roblox itself is somewhat at the mercy of the US government. ( as well as investors and this community.)

That said, Roblox’s community is made up of far more than 18 year olds. Wouldn’t forcing USD only push out a great portion of the creator community? I understand the argument of better percentages and getting paid in USD, but again, is cutting out that portion worth it?

That “more creators” should include the younger folks. Is that what you mean by “more creators”?

I could be reading into this the wrong way, but I do wonder. Someone feel free to jump in if I’m making wrong assumptions or something.


ok i’ll make my main reply now

This update might improve the quality of plugins, as now I have an incentive to get paid for my work (stay tuned for a mesh editor maybe?). Underselling work is a toxic mindset because Robux conversion rates were designed for games, not tools or assets.

To the people complaining about USD being a block to younger developers, gift cards have already started putting the credit into a wallet of sorts, that you can buy Robux with, I assume this will work the same for creator assets.

If Roblox has started listening to the plugin community, can we please have some stuff like cloud setitngs or the multiple other feature requests I’ve made for possible plugin APIs.


I meant that the purchaser wouldn’t purchase a plugin they do not trust. People can definitely create clickbait plugins and put them on-sale but I doubt they would get sales. Myself I do not even download plugins untested by other people even if they are free.

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I don’t think that the risk of this for the plugin creator needs an explanation. It’s like downloading a game which doesn’t have a license check and then refunding it.

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I may not consider converting to USD as a “block”, but I could see it being a slowdown. People making any kind of income may not have this issue, but certainly creators who are not working and are not old enough to work, though that’s probably a very small portion.

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Please do not do this. Young developers and new developers will not be able to start a roblox game if this update releases.


This will be a net loss for marketplace creators. The majority
of creator revenue is not be derived from the top five percent of generally older and team-based developers of experiences who are the only demographic comfortable with and suited to fufill this
proposed USD model, whom tend to purchase once, it is the contrary, the masses of young developers with a stock of earned robux, who can be influenced by content trends showcasing the functions of popular or less popular developer tools with a few function-specific
→ The Roblox marketplace is for developers, by developers, community-based and passion-driven, what it truly is not, is a hyper, late-stage capitalist system where every developer can and or is willing to be forced into this model.
→ The conversion of Robux to USD is already limiting to the developers who fit the requirement, and would generally be a small but existing buffer to the concept.
→ If you do need a Stripe account to keep your asset on-sale and free, than every asset type which falls under this new model will be wiped off?

If you do not live in one of the countries listed below, you will not be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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Curious as to if uploading free assets will still be possible? The very rare time I do decide to make any asset of mine public I prefer to keep it free.



You don’t need paid plugins to create a game. In the past couple of months of working for Virtual Valley Games, a group that does pull in a decent amount of money with several games, I have used only 1 plugin: a simple weld plugin, which has been free for well over a decade. Premium plugins help with development, but they are in no way required.


This. I’ve seen people before mistake plugins with being a necessity to make a game, but they’re really only a tool to speed up the process. You can make a game just fine with 0 plugins.


I have plugins for sale, but I am residing in a not supported country. It looks like I will have to remove them from the store and I will no longer be able to sell plugins on Roblox. Roblox needs to rethink this decision.

Edit April 12: They fixed it and I was able to create my account.


It is just a side-effect with this update and working with 3rd party companies.

I do wish that you dont need to have a Stripe account to make it free—

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4.99 USD*

This is really sad for Roblox creators… especially for minors, as we don’t have any payment methods…



Well. Seems like another thing I can’t do because of my age…

Time to go start working at Walmart :joy: