DataPredict Neural [Version Beta Zero] - PyTorch-like Deep Learning Library Meets Roblox!



Ever wanted a PyTorch-like deep learning library for Roblox? Now you can!

Thanks to Lua being capable of copying object-orientated programming feature, this library is able to do automatic differentiation, distributed training and more!

Documentation And Tutorials:

Welcome to Aqwam’s DataPredict Neural Library! | DataPredict Neural

  • Take advantage of calculations combining both automatic differentiation and manual differentiation, simplifying complex calculations while maintaining high performance.

  • Craft complex models effortlessly using dynamic computational graphs, giving you the ability to create any models you want and modify them at runtime.

  • Take advantage of model and data parallelism capabilities for extremely fast training, prediction and experimentation.

  • Build singular models that are interconnected between servers and clients through distributed training.

  • Build models that handles multi-dimensional inputs and outputs to solve any demands of your projects.

  • Dive into user-friendly API designed for you to learn in a couple of minutes.

  • Built for production-grade and research-grade applications.

  • Cross compatible with DataPredict library.

Preview Code

SequentialNeuralNetwork:setMultipleFunctionBlocks({dimensionSizeArray = {1, 1, 3}}),{dimensionSizeArray = {1, 3, 5}}),,{dropoutRate = 0.5}),{dimensionSizeArray = {1, 5, 1}}),{dimensionIndexArray = {2, 3}}),

for i = 1, 100000 do
	local generatedLabelTensor = SequentialNeuralNetwork:forwardPropagate(inputTensor)

	local lossTensor = CostFunction:calculateLossTensor(generatedLabelTensor, labelTensor)
	local costValue = CostFunction:calculateCostValue(generatedLabelTensor, labelTensor)


Download Links

DataPredict Neural (Advanced Deep Learning Library)

TensorL3D (3D Tensor Library)

DataPredict Library

DataPredict [Release 1.17] - General Purpose Machine And Deep Learning Library (Learning AIs, Generative AIs, and more!)

Development Priority Poll

What should be the next update will be?

  • Internal parts such as convolutional layers and pooling layers.
  • External models such as reinforcement learning, generative and recurrent models.

0 voters


Genuinely insane, I was just thinking of trying to learn datapredict again and you come out with something that will make my life a billion times easier :smiley:

Awesome work

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Development Priority Survey

Hello guys! I’m adding a survey to the first post to see what I should prioritize. Please put in your votes so that choice will most likely to be developed first!

For now, I’ll be taking a break from developing this library for a while and wait for you guys to vote until enough data is received.

Im going to check it out then i get home, Im att my grand parents house rn.

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