Decal Id changing

hello forum,
earlier i was making a script that changed an ImageLabel’s “Image” property, however, no matter how i put the id; it didn’t load in so, i decided to put it in manually (which worked) and copy the id that showed up after that…

surprise! it was different:
library Id: 6478582912 (what i put in)
loaded Id: 6478582908 (what showed up)

why does this happen? is there any way i can get the Id that loads?

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The thumbnail preview and the actual asset are different IDs. The actual texture is usually a few numbers lower.


how can i get the actual texture in a script?

You can simply get the correct ID by copy pasting it in a decal’s property.

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hmm, is that the only way? i can only do that manually and i have quite a lot of decals

Try this plugin:


i don’t know how to thank you… this plugin is gonna be so useful thanks :)!

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