Imiji - convert decal IDs to image IDs

Part of the Elttob Classic Suite

Reclass-Convert Reclass classicImiji-x32 ImijiAtmos-Pro AtmosPick-Pro-x32 PickInCommand-Dark-x32 InCommand

Next generation: Celebrating the launch of the Creator Store with four incredible product releases.

Imiji is a plugin that makes finding image IDs and URIs for decals simple and efficient, ready for use in scripts, plugins and more.


When you open Imiji, you’re given a large box to paste any decal asset ID or link into.
Any string will work, as long as it contains the ID of the decal you wish to convert.
Some examples of valid things to paste:

Note that pasting non-decal IDs (e.g. image IDs, shirt IDs, etc.) will not work.

When you paste in a decal ID, Imiji will fetch the decal instance from Roblox, parse out the image ID from its data, and generate short and long URIs for you:


From here, you can copy any of the fields (click, press Ctrl+A, then press Ctrl+C) or click and paste another decal to convert it.

Try out Imiji for yourself here:

Feel free to leave any feedback or bug reports below!
Hope you enjoy using this plugin :slightly_smiling_face:


This is gonna be so useful, I won’t need to insert a decal and paste my ID just to copy an ID and delete said decal. Thank you man :slight_smile:


Thank you very much I can see this making workflow more efficient, I’ll be sure to bookmark this


Interesting concept. Doesn’t the toolbox’s context menu already let you copy an image’s ID?


Yes - the Toolbox provides some image ID functionality, much like some other parts of Studio. However, if you’re working with content from outside of Studio (which I do often as a scripter), it’s useful to have a utility like this to be able to convert any decal ID into an image ID.

Here’s a good example; in Edge, I have a collection with a bunch of links to Roblox decals and other content I use often:

Of course, I can’t plug that in directly, since it’s a URL pointing to a decal. Using Imiji, I can quickly get the image ID out and use it straight away.

In addition, Imiji presents me with both kinds of URI, plus the raw ID if that’s what I want, meaning I can select which one to use depending on what I need it for.


Just pointing this out, you can also use:**ID** for quickness.

Edit: It’s not very high quality sometimes as it is forced into a 420x420 frame.


The issue with using the thumbnail endpoint like that is that it locks the resolution to 420x420 - which means that smaller images can appear blurry and larger images can lose details.

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Hello there! Great idea. I am going use this a ton. I just have one question: How did you make the 3D-esque screenshot of the plugin?
Thank You!


I just take screenshots of the plugin in different states, rotate by 45° then scale its height by 50%. You should be able to do it in any decent image editor (, GIMP, Photoshop) or vector editor (Illustrator, Figma, Inkscape, Sketch).

Then, you can add effects like drop shadows, configured to your liking :slightly_smiling_face:


This is terrific! Do you know another way to do by using a roblox API endpoint? I can’t use for my project.

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cant believe that this was a year ago already. is an external domain which lots of developers use to create roblox projects. you can basically grab stuff from apis made by roblox but this one is apparently more reliable, although sometimes i prefer using the real one as i feel like it will be more accurate despite restrictions such as a limit of 100 assets

you can do whatever i suppose


Thanks! To add, some APIs in Roblox don’t allow you to specify how many of something you want anyway.

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Top 10 best things to exist in the world. This was the only reason I was able to save tons of time.


Wish I didn’t have to pay 4.99 for this.


Ridiculous right? How can you charge 5 bucks for a simple API request.

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I’m looking into winding this project down at the moment. I’ll have more details to share then.

Just don’t kill it off completely, I use it occasionally when developing and it’s quite helpful!

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For sure! I wouldn’t dream of taking away someone’s tools out from under them. I’m in the process of figuring out what the most pro-consumer way of sunsetting these older tools are. That’ll include stuff like Last Minute for people who bought it at its end-of-life, and definitely won’t be switching it off for existing users, but still need to figure out what to do wrt. the Creator Store listing and other minutiae like that.

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This plugin i’ve downloaded some months ago and it was free , then now it costs real money to download it