Deprecating Comments for Marketplace Items

I think this is a better idea than removing comments entirely, since when used correctly it is a very beneficial feature. I believe there should be more restrictions on who can post comments, and what can be said. Also, adding automated filters to delete / detect when people are spamming copy pasted messages would be a much needed change.

How many terabytes of Roblox’s storage are being used by kids spamming /e free?

Nobody knows.


hm let me try now does it work or not :thinking: /e free oh it does not work :frowning:

surprisingly, 16TB of “/e free” doesn’t cost roblox much if we don’t count bandwidth

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After checking the replies on this thread, i have come to my own opinion about it.

I do support the change of removing comments for Marketplace Items, but can we atleast wait until we could see the new feedback system you guys are planning?

I seen couple of broken promises when you removed other features, like the original forums, game comments, player point leaderboards and etc. Saying there will be a replacement/rebuild of those features.

It would be nice seeing how that new feedback system looks at the current state before removing comments fully, since it would just be annoying having another broken promise in the “broken promises pile” for the 100th time.


I personally believe this is a fine update, I’ve never seen good use for comments on marketplace assets. But personally for something like this to return, I believe Roblox should introduce their own filters for things such as “/e free”, or even then, a user-based blacklist system for their own item’s comments section such as how “tags” are for UGC Items in a way, and the ability for said creator to delete comments under their asset, or lock and so on.

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You do realize thats a third party site, right?
Roblox doesnt own that website.
Its owned and ran by Froast.

Plus im pretty sure someone is working on archiving the comments.

Roblox can filter out certain words and let the developer choose if the comment gets shown to the public (kinda like what youtube has)

This isn’t the first time comments have been disabled or removed. It was reintroduced and it was taken advantage of. The “/e free” comment was not the concern, I’m sure, it was the far more vulgar comments ending up on products or the “secret” harmful links being commented.

I do not believe this is a “nuclear option” on the end of Roblox - I believe this sounds like a containment method that will be addressed and [sounds like] will allow the feature to be reenabled in the future.

As someone who has been around to frequently use the very early days of the original Roblox Forums, I believe your statement that the company has “never lived up to your promises once” is incorrect. With the snowballing growth of the platform, the need for a more controlled version of the forums was necessary (look at what you’re using today, a forum.) Granted, this forum is not as open conversation as the last, it still connects users in a very functional way.

Game comments were a similar situation to these marketplace comments, I also saw no issue with that.

“Player Points” was a beta feature (a in-testing feature) that was used for quite a few years and depreciated when the site was less about war clans (which at one point were a heavy influence) and more about creating enjoyable games. The depreciation of this was warranted really.

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Its almost as if you have tools to prevent this but aren’t using them. HMMMMMMM.


This post becomes more and more relevant by the day. Any time a sentence by Roblox starts with “In the future, we are planning to…”, you should just assume that this feature is never coming.

Please stop removing features without having a viable replacement already finished.


i 100% agree with this update the amount of scams and spam in the comments section for Marketplace item are getting too out of hand

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Is anyone gonna archive the entire of the comments on Marketplace Items or they don’t wanna to do it? (just like forum posts)

The comments were good for following up with your own, but it is a tad bit difficult to properly keep up as you have to reload the page just to get new comments, and sometimes new comments appear before you can comment to the latest comment. The removal of comments will definitely fix the constant “paste this message x times or else builderman will toast all of your untoasted bread” messages that tend to appear on every single marketplace page.

In terms of catalog items, I don’t think we will need a replacement as their quality is in the preview itself and the appeal of the item varies avatar to avatar, user to user. The Creator Marketplace is a much better candidate for comments, reviews, etc.

Not when everytime you click “load more” it generates a random number under “CacheBust” that makes the chance of archive actually displaying 1 in 9999

Also why is there such a strict rate limit on comments API, it’s like 5 pages per minute and it makes scrolling to old comments frustrating especially if its getting removed in 2 weeks, make it like 35 pages per minute.


A review system like on Steam would be great for games.



jej it’s just text data

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/e free

Dang, I don’t know why I feel emotions. I understand why the decision was made and can agree with it, but it really is the end of an era with this one. This has been around since the early days of Roblox, and even now I can still remember scrolling through the comments section as a young kid. These comments will be missed.

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ANYTHING for actual community engagement on here would be awesome.

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actually a good update. Now I don’t have to scroll down and see five million /e frees

It will save server space and money. maybe that can be put to some Roblox server upgrades to lower ping in game?