Deprecating Comments for Marketplace Items

Goodbye /e free, you will not be missed

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This is a perfect change. Though I wish we had a unified way of discussion on Roblox without having to use groups (impossible for threads) or external sites.

We used to have the forums, which I think with player moderation could be done right. For example, reddit makes moderators of a subreddit moderate them and if they fail, the subreddit is closed entirely. I think something like this could be implemented.

Would love to see something that actively brings communities together.


That’s just throwing money down the drain at that p[int


True, comments serve little to no purpose anymore.

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A tragedy for people that typing “/e free”
Good run…

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This will be missed, but sadly, bots are everywhere abusing it.


Goodbye Robux scams on Marketplace item comments

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their reasoning for getting rid of this feature now of all times is a weak excuse, because spam is a global internet thing that has existed for generations and they already employ captcha tech that would curb 99% of bot-caused spam on their site as well as filters that could easily mitigate emojis.

they didn’t consider anything carefully either because they’ve been silently removing comments on various elements and bringing them back for years and years, the only conclusion I can make is that they’re finally making it official because it’s easy for them to get away with it when they only announce it to the people they indoctrinated by money, their investors probably came up with the idea of a 0.03% profit increase from shredding literal libraries worth of comment history, and their lawyers advised them that letting people talk is a bad idea.

this update is up there with some of the absolute lamest “updates” and I’m lumping it in with the removal of comments on assets too, I can’t believe how minor they’re making this decision out to be considering the comments on items & assets were pretty much the last bastion of casual chat walls on the platform and have remained useful on assets for smaller creators seeking feedback or just plain commentary on their items. without this, casual users genuinely have no way to publicly speak on the platform now without being forced onto moderated group walls, and almost 2 decades of internet history is being wiped out of the blue.

I heavily doubt they’re going to bring this feature back in a proper form either considering there is truly 0 financial incentive when the ones who actually matter to them already have rich social media presences and third party servers full of flunkies, which is why I think this removal is particularly trash, because I find it extremely unlikely comments will exist again since Roblox has a proven track record of annihilating an old feature, promising to bring it back new, and then leaving everyone hanging for years to the point where so many new people have flooded the community that there’s no hope of generating a spark against the lack of delivery.

but, if by some miracle, they bring comments back at all and didn’t kill them just to reduce a pint of technical overhead or endlessly bend the knee to investors, my guess is that they’re severing all regular communication avenues as a slingshot for Guilded to bounce back into relevance for people on the platform, likely by incorporating it into the site and nesting multiple types of feedback junctions that could be easily moderated through a global messaging system.

if they did that, it’d be easy to allow people to make casual text comments, mini-forums with threads about game specifics, reviews, voiced reviews, and even “content” tabs that could hook into popular off-site videos that creators/Stars are making for a game itself.

it’d be a genuine utopia for people who want to discuss & have discussions about any item/game, and the verification systems that Roblox and Guilded have combined would eviscerate spam attempts and minimize alt abuse while also allowing easy visibility toggles for underaged individuals that they don’t want seeing unfiltered discussions, but again that’s likely not going to happen because third party platforms already deal with the problems & costs of all of that with no charge or legal risk for Roblox, at the cost of keeping the actual players heavily fractured between Twitter, Discord, Group walls, and Guilded.

but for now, Rest in Peace to literally the entire Commenting system.



:saluting_face: goodbye marketplace comments.

They were nice to have, and a little enjoyable with the memes, but comments did get just overloaded with spam and scams. I wonder if this might happen to group comments as well, which gets to the point nobody can discuss anything on the site.

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I remember when game comments were removed, now this. Time flies


Whelp, unfortunately that prediction has come true. Classic Roblox, since a feature is being discontinued, they don’t even bother to moderate it anymore and wipe their hands clean when it’s gone.

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I think this is a good desicion because in the past especially bots would flood the comments with scams with “free robux” links.

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the problem with this API is the harsh ratelimit (10req/min), there also seems to be no other API that returns comments with a lower ratelimit.

i think the current captcha or hCaptcha could do better on the comments section

Rest in piss /e free users, you will not be missed
Hopefully creator store reviews will finally be genuine and not spam.

Ah mixed up one of your messages with someone else who said we need old roblox game comments back.

I agree we don’t need a review system but it would be quite good if done right!

Add some features to the site, stop removing everything. Roblox is litterally proving dead internet.


While this will certainly end the reign of unneccessary bypassing and /e free, this is pretty disasterous historically. There’s going to be lots of stuff just vanishing off the platform, especially in the earlier years as this was a very highly used feature. I feel like instead of removing comments entirely they should be kept in a read-only state in some way, even if it’s filled with spam most of the website’s history won’t get wiped away.

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Does anyone else think this is like… a stupid post to be reading? I know that sounds really rude, but, comment sections on roblox have been spam hubs for literally 10+ years now. So it strikes me as a very sort of sarcastic-gasp, “OH REALLY?” moment

Maybe in an alternate universe this post is talking about how Roblox plans on fixing their moderation systems so that we can have comment sections be fruitful, or GIVING DEVELOPERS BETTER MODERATION TOOLS FOR THEIR OWN COMMENTS, but instead we get the “Lol guys, did you know the comments have spam? We’re deleting them (again)” post.

Like… ok. Thanks for not trying, I guess


As stated, it’s purpose definitely hasn’t settled and it’s been a good run.

I don’t mind it being gone, it never really had a meaning to me. If I never liked an item I wouldn’t buy it. I wouldn’t suggest or recommend because of spam and a high chance that creators wouldn’t listen. Everyone has their own opinions and thats what makes every item unique. If you’re gonna start removing features like these, at least look into making UGC more accessible.