Developer Awards! Phase 2: Virtual Items

Make sure to contact them, if you haven’t already. (Unless i’m mistaken and that email no longer applies :sweat_smile:)
Hope you get it soon! :>


i have contacted, never got a reply nor have they seen it


Dang. Hopefully you get yours soon, it’s been what, 2 years since you met the requirements?

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has anyone got a crown recently?


Still wondering if I am ever going to receive the Black iron crown. My game had over 1 million MAU for a few months, but has since dropped down to 200k. I have been told that if your game hits a certain MAU milestone for at least 3 consecutive months in the past, you will still be eligible to receive the respective crown.

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Hello there, i have pretty much the same issue.

i am a developer of a game with above 1 millon MAU and have not yet received it.

i heard only the owner of the game gets it or the owner of the group if it’s a group game (not the developers sadly, i suppose this is because people submitted requests for such crowns in games that they are not a developer of) and sometimes even if eligible they can take a long time to give it.

i have tried contacting althrough it seems that that email is dead, i did contact roblox support but they basically said they cannot help me, this is what they said to me:

Unfortunately, in CS we are unable to do anything further to help you with your question.

CS = Customer Support

Would be cool if the developer awards program could be managed better.


My proposal for a better system of reworking the MAU program would actually have trackers in analytics. When hitting certain numbers, it automatically hands out awards to those that have access or team create to the actual experience within a time window (Experience is released first week, then only people with Team Create since day 1 or day 7 can be tagged). This might still be flawed but it definitely is so much better than ignoring the dev community on the platform.


are they still giving, I didn’t received my golden crown for my game.

seems like a 3 month or higher delay. I will be qualifying for sparkle time myself so I am looking forward to it.

Hi, seein’ this for the first time!
Are the crowns of O’s still being awarded? What about the swag bag? Lastly, is the next phase out?

EDIT: I now have seen that the next phase is out! And, is that a real life trophy?? Or a digital item?
EDIT 2: My god it’s a real life one!! :open_mouth:

I’m not too sure. You will need to check their announcements. Usually only seasoned big names receive phase 1 and phase 3 items… unless you contributed to something. Keep in mind that the developer awards came out like a few years ago.

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Also btw do we get warned when we receive a crown of o’s?

In your inbox they’ll tell you when you’ve received it

Ohh! Thanks!
Btw any tips on getting the crowns? :pleading_face:

There are no tips on getting the crowns. The program is meant for actual developers who have successfully placed their projects onto the platform. If you’re not serious or interested in game development, I do not think you should waste countless hours trying to get people to play your games. Again, the program itself is kind of wacky right now. I’m supposed to receive my sparkletime crown yet I haven’t even gotten adurite, etc.

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Uh yea I know I mean tips on making an attracting game
I just want to know
Not saying I’ll use them, but it’s handy to have them

There’s a lot of great game ideas and methods to boost your retention and player count. Executing them is the real problem. Even myself struggle with that.


Bit late to the party, but:

Could this mean that there’s a chance of the Crown of O’s being automated by just validating if a user has a certain number of edits in a game?

Now I get to play the waiting game :smiley: !!!


Yesir i am ready fot the awards and i am ready for rdc the awards look cool