Developer Awards! Phase 2: Virtual Items

Yes. Roblox now does not support giving out the Crowns to high-ranks of a development group due to people abusing this.

somehow im still waiting for one for like 1-2 years now

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I receives Gold & Bombastic Crown of O’s but I didn’t receive Adurite, Sparkletime and Black Iron

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Wow I didn’t even know that I can qualify to got this award. Thanks roblox very cool!

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i havent received my adurite crown either and its been over a year now


did you receive it for a game that Is owned by your group or by your profile?

is your game owned by your group? Because I have a game in my group with 6k mau and didn’t get anything

but why not even to the group owner? I have a game in my group and I developed it myself and have 6k mau and not got a single crown

No mine is owned profile, Im pretty sure only the owner of the group gets the crown of o’s due to a few years agos where people abused it to give random people the crown of o’s eg: youtubers, rare accounts.
This means if you arent the highest rank then you wont get the crown, the holder or whoever owns the group does

Yes, Official Deep Swimming Pool

I’m pretty sure they give it to group owners too, but it can take months-years probably because they don’t have enough people to go through the list of eligible people.

I have 1k joins and I don’t have the 1k crown??

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its based on mau (monthly active users) not place visits.

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I’ve received Golden Crown of O’s, but should receive two more. For more than a year I am getting completely ignored by Devawards, old and new emails received no reaction at all. Can I do something with this?

Support doesn’t care as well, I am being ignored for a year, though sending new emails from time to time.

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The reason some of you arent getting the crowns is probably because of the analytics update where they revamped analytics and also most likely erased all data before july 2023 which is stupid. @Roblox you owe us the crowns and stop ignoring us.


I got the crown recently tho, it was this February

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in june 2024 i finally got the normal crown of o’s been waiting for the crowns
should get bombastic by now since i already had 1k mau for 2 years now.

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home recommendations can get you 100k mau

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Randomly got this message today. The game is under my group, but my colleagues didn’t receive it unfortunately. I didn’t get the previous (Adurite) crown as well.