Developer Awards! Phase 3: Tilt Trophies

For something brand new? Yes. Give it time.

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I offered my viewpoint, acknowledged the potential issue with it, and had no aggression in my original post. I’m not really sure why you felt that I was diminishing Roblox, or why you feel it’s your responsibility to tell me that I shouldn’t point out something that a lot of people have clearly found to be an issue based on the others replies to this thread.

I’m fine with giving it time, doesn’t mean I’m going to wait 6 months to reply with my concerns.


This is a public forum, and I felt like sharing my viewpoint on your post. It was unnecessarily aggressive. “This is ridiculous” is not constructive. Why not instead voice your excitement (which was at the bottom, mentioning “it’s a cool reward”) and follow that with your idea to purchase additional copies in the future? (which was completely excluded in your OP) It seems like a much better way of voicing your viewpoint.

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This is a fantastic reward and I am very excited to see so many awesome devs getting this stuff! This is honestly really cool to see Roblox wanting to reward their devs with such cool things.

However, I was wondering if this is a long-term reward service or something that will just be happening for a limited, short amount of time. I also noticed that some of the stuff still uses the old studio logo, will that be updated or will it all have that logo?

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Look, Im all for rewarding developers, but we really need to make sure that everyone responsible is getting rewarded. Sometimes the owner of games has no relation to the creation and development of the game. Obviously the owner deserves the rewards, but the developers that also helped create it deserve it just as much.


I think a lot of dev teams would highly appreciate the option to purchase additional trophies for their hard-working team members.

Take Badimo for example. Two people who spent years of their life developing a game that created incredible experiences for millions of players, and only one person is eligible for a trophy representing their achievement?

If it would really break the bank for you guys, i’m sure we can cover a portion of the costs.


Todos los jugadores de roblox que tenga ess cantidad podrĂĄn ganar estas coronas?

Making such an aggressively bold assumption on somebody’s character does not reflect well on yourself, especially when you’ve completely missed the point of the person you making assumptions on.

There are serious problems that are opened up from giving multiple trophies. I’ve personally worked on plenty of projects where I’ve only contributed a substantial less than the rest of the development team. Would I receive a trophy? If not where’s the line, what metric is used to judge who does and doesn’t get a trophy? What about teams of upwards to 30 people like Adopt Me? What if down the line we have AAA studios of upwards to 3,000 employees release a Roblox game? Is Roblox seriously expected to accommodate that many people? Sounds crazy but when you make a program like this you have to think ahead.

Could these problems be solved? Of course, but as the person you replied to stated this is the initial rollout of something really nice for developers. We developers have been begging for nice things like this for a long time and frankly we should be cheering that its finally here. The problems you and other developers have with the current rollout can easily be fixed down the line but tackling them down only needlessly bloats and delays the release of these loveletters to the developers.


Like the virtual awards, the owner can choose who helped with the game, why can’t the same be done with physical items?

Virtual items don’t need to be shipped internationally.


If YouTube is able to ship play buttons internationally then why can’t Roblox do the same?

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Youtube only ships one free play button per channel. Your point is invalid.


I think that you should research things before saying false things, YouTube gives 1 free award to channels and allows them to buy more for team members. You can check this here


This has been addressed twice once even in my reply to you, I suggest you read the thread before replying.


They can be used as coasters :hushed:

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I feel really sad that im probably not going to get one of those amazing trophy’s even though my game fits the requirements.

The game i took over is stuck to someone else his profile, we cant transfer it over to a group game.

This means the game’s owner will receive the things i have worked so hard on, even though the game’s owner hasn’t worked on the game for the past 3 years ever since giving the game over to me.

I just wished roblox would think of all of the people with issues like this on their games, but sadly its looking like a dead end to us.

I would have received adurite, but because of this issue i am receiving nothing now. :confused:

I congrat everyone else receiving these amazing awards, i hope you enjoy it!

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It’s great to see that developers are being rewarded for their work, but it’s disappointing to see that it is only the group owner that receives it. It’s unfair on those developers that have put just as many hours in the game as the owner and in some cases have put much more work into the game. There should be a limit of course to how many get it, but having it as only the owner is not fair on many developers and a kick in the face for all their hard work. Putting a limit of 3 per group for example would have been better.


This is actually a great idea! Very unique concept, never have seen it before. Very Cool.

If there is a group game qualified for receiving a Tilt Trophy with multiple developers, will all the developers who have worked on the game receive one?

Wondering alongside @SoCalifornian, what material are the slabs and holder made of?

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This is actually epic that Roblox giving epic perks to all developers.

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