Developer Awards program should be brought back, silent halt of program disrespects the community

What are the requirements for getting the swag bag?

The emails’ domain is - so likely yes.

Just got the swag bag by email, I’m really excited and pleased to see the awards program being revived after a long while!

The bag is awarded to developers who achieve 40M+ lifetime Robux!

can confirm got swag bag email, but id really love to get one of those trophies

On top of the issues with transparency and silence of the program’s existence, I do wish that the criteria for most of these rewards could be revamped. The swag bag requirement of 40M feels okay, since, well, that isn’t tiered, and is considered to be one of the highest awards for developers. On the other hand, the requirements for most (if not all) of the Tilt Trophies, as well as the higher Crown of O’s, feels unbalanced, especially when some of them, no experience on Roblox has been able to get.

Phase 3: Tilt Trophies

I have 60M visits, with a game that averages 10-20 min avg. session length, above the 50th percentile, so the realization I haven’t even received Gold yet is astonishing to me. I’m apparently close, but it may take you anywhere from 20 million visits to 80 million visits if your playtime is on the lower end, just to get Gold. Out of the following trophies…

Material Milestone Estimated Visits (10m avg)
Gold 10M+ Hours 60,000,000
Bombastic 20M+ Hours 120,000,000
Adurite 50M+ Hours 300,000,000
Sparkletime 100M+ Hours 600,000,000
Black Iron 250M+ Hours 1,500,000,000
Wanwood 1B+ Hours 6,000,000,000
Bluesteel 5B+ Hours 30,000,000,000
Illumina 10B+ Hours 60,000,000,000

If you average 10 minutes, and all of your playtime occurred after 2018, it would take you approx. 60 million visits to get the first trophy. To get Black Iron, which is still only #5/8, you’d need about 1.5 billion visits, which only about 60 experiences on Roblox surpassed. Wanwood? About 13 experiences. Bluesteel? 2 experiences. Illumina? I don’t think any experience has this, considering Brookhaven, with the most visits, still has only about 35B, with ~16 min avg.

I’d love to see some smaller experiences, with 5-10 million visits be able to get at least Gold. Currently, the trophies feels like they’re exclusive to the big players of Roblox for any which are above Adurite. I know some very talented developers who have tens of millions of visits, but still don’t even have the lowest, being Gold.

TLDR: Tilt Trophies across the board are unfair to medium and especially small creators, and anything after Sparkletime (middle trophy) quickly drops off to only include the top 50 creators. Less than ~five experiences have at least Bluesteel. The barrier to entry is very high.

Phase 2: Crown of O’s

With the Crown of O’s, the barrier to entry is perfect, but has problems later on in the series, where with the last two crowns, not even the largest experience on Roblox has reached it.

Material Milestone
Gold 100+ MAU
Bombastic 1K+ MAU
Adurite 10K+ MAU
Sparkletime 100K+ MAU
Black Iron 1M+ MAU
Wanwood 10M+ MAU
Bluesteel 100M+ MAU
Illumina 1B+ MAU

Everything feels great up to Black Iron, even with my game only having about 200 CCU, I still managed to pull almost 200K MAU, which is a decent chunk of Black Iron. After that, it feels like it drops off significantly, and even surpasses Roblox’s all-time high of 300 million monthly active users, and while that is an estimate, I am sure that the entire platform of Roblox has never reached 1 billion MAU, and it feels even less fair to the developers who make these top games.

The same problem exists where it seems even the top experience on Roblox cannot complete their tilt trophy for their studio, or get all of the virtual items, and the gaps grow larger the higher the number, relative to the last. I agree that there should always be some goal to look forward to, but one billion doesn’t make sense to me.

According to, nobody has ever had the Illumina or Bluesteel crowns, and a handful have the Wanwood crown, which is still #6/8. I even checked a few top developers with a now sunsetted ownership web API under some months ago, and I confirmed none of them had Illumina or Bluesteel, and while it may have changed for Bluesteel since Roblox is a bit larger now, I still doubt that more than two studios have this impressive achievement.

TLDR: Crown of O’s start out great, and is very accessible to new creators, but after Black Iron the scaling introduces the same issue. Many experiences have reached 1M MAU, but the scaling after Wanwood is very harsh. It’s currently impossible to get Illumina, and borderline impossible to get Bluesteel.

Proposed Solution

Obviously, getting the highest trophies/crowns needs to be difficult, or else they wouldn’t feel as special, but my problem I have here is that the scaling does not feel right. The trophies across the board feel gatelocked to large developers, and the Crown of O’s are mostly perfect, no complaints from me, but have ridiculous goals after Wanwood.

In my eyes, this would be a much better list of criteria for Tilt Trophies.

Material Milestone Estimated Visits (10m avg)
Gold 1M+ Hours 6,000,000 (from 60M)
Bombastic 5M+ Hours 30,000,000 (from 120M)
Adurite 10M+ Hours 60,000,000 (from 300M)
Sparkletime 50M+ Hours 300,000,000 (from 600M)
Black Iron 100M+ Hours 600,000,000 (from 1.5B)
Wanwood 250M+ Hours 1,500,000,000 (from 6B)
Bluesteel 500M+ Hours 3,000,000,000 (from 30B)
Illumina 1B+ Hours 6,000,000,000 (from 60B)

And for Crown of O’s…

Material Milestone
Gold 100+ MAU
Bombastic 1K+ MAU
Adurite 10K+ MAU
Sparkletime 100K+ MAU
Black Iron 1M+ MAU
Wanwood 7.5M+ MAU (from 10M)
Bluesteel 20M+ MAU (from 100M)
Illumina 50M+ MAU (from 1B)

Ah thanks for the information!

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Real! Thats me! We are starting to send out information on swag! More emails will be going out shortly. Don’t stress if you haven’t received yours but you believe you should. Its all starting to roll out!


@BoyMamaG Are crowns coming back as well? I qualified for a few of them last year but never received them because of the program’s pause.

Are tilt trophies returning too?


Hey, great to see this! I read you saying before that you will be revamping the system, but this indicates that it is just returning instead, at least the swag bags? Personally, I’m very happy with that! Just to echo Noble_Draconian, is this also the case for the crows and tilt trophies?
I would love to get my hand on those personally, holding and displaying them feels real good in a team setting already.

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Will the Crown of O’s be returning alongside the swag bags?


Its all coming! Dont stress, crowns will be awarded as well as trophies. Its all rolling out.


That is fantastic to hear! Thank you for the public communication & clarifications. :pray:

I’ll hold off a bit on marking a solution on this thread, but if everything goes as normal then I’ll be happy to mark your reply as the solution.


Sorry, to rush but do you have any idea when it will be rolled out? If not it is fine!

Hopefully this time the Crown Of O’s stay up. Would love to get the Adurite one eventually! >:P

That’s amazing news. I would like to ask if contributing to games as well as past achievements will award me the crown? I contributed to a game that recently reached 3m total visits and over 1m mau.

Here’s my older games performance from over a year ago when the crowns were first released.

Role: Map builder (game was moved to a different group)

Role: Main developer

(old pictures)

I haven’t received the Sparkletime crown for any of these, and I don’t know why. I emailed the Devrel support, however they were unable to help me with my problem when the crowns were first released.

My most recent contributions are on these games:

Role: Character Modeler

Role: Accessory Modeler & map fixes

I hope contributing to these games is more enough to reward me both Sparkletime Crown of O’s and Black Iron Crown of O’s.

The way awarding crowns worked in the past few years is very confusing, and disappointing, as some people received crowns without doing any effort whatsoever, meanwhile devs who worked, didn’t get their deserved crown, so hopefully this time they will be awarded accordingly!

Lovely To Hear That , I Cant Wait For My Sparkletime Crown :slight_smile:

Please keep in mind that Visits != MAU. MAU is (Unique) Monthly Active Users, while Visits is incremented whenever a player joins the game, even if they already joined it that day. MAU is always going to be lower than visits. The graph for MAU can be located in Analytics → Engagement → Monthly Active Users.
(Screenshot below showing where it is. (The MAU is the rightmost graph)

Does this also include crowns that I shouldve earned last year?

Any estimate on when it’ll be rolled out?