Is parsing the link through my own domain forbidden on Roblox? i see this as a feature for more advanced developers and some of the links just don’t hyperlink right on discord for example
Hey, thanks for this feature. It is very useful! But I’m still having issues with iOS, even using AppsFlyer version. This is an example:
This URL above works if I open it from Whatsapp, but doesn’t work if I open it from Discord app on iOS - it takes you to App Store page.
If I add af_force_deeplink=true as suggested in AppsFlyer documentation it does shows a prompt asking to open Roblox and it takes me to the home page, but not to the game.
This is my final URL:
We needed this to be fully working on iOS so we can run campaigns coming from our Discord servers. Thank you very much for the effort on this!
Reference where I saw about iOS limitations:
Hmm thanks for raising this. We will look to see if this is a Discord specific issue.
Thanks for checking!
Actually we tried with Discord and Twitter, which are the places that we use the most, and it doesn’t work on both. Even if you copy the link and paste on safari it doesn’t open the game directly.
This happens only on iOS, we don’t have problem with any other platform.
Currently having an issue where I’m using the launchData as a server-code to teleport to a reserved server, and then if it makes a teleport inside of that place again, redirecting to the main place, it will have the launchData cached and recycle the whole process.
Is there any way to invalidate a user’s launchData?
tl;dr: Teleport redirects after the initial spawn from that launchData should NOT include the launchData again and should be treated as a normal teleport.
Logging an issue, I tried opening a QR code from my iPhone’s camera to open into it.
It launches into the correct game but the Launch Data is completely missing.
With the launchData the game should automatically load a community map named ‘Decaying Silo’ and automatically put you in a round, but it just does nothing.
Hopefully this gets resolved, would love to empower my community with easier methods of sharing content for the game.
Getting a similar issue to Leo’s where pasting the AppFlyer link in chrome on windows 10 doesn’t send me to the game’s page.
See DeepLink Test Failing for more details
Any plans to make it embed on apps like Discord the way normal experience links do?
Using the roblox://
protocol it launches the game but it doesn’t pass launchData.
But using it launches the game and does end up passing the launchData.
Is it possible to get the URI fixed?
(Running firefox on windows)
EDIT: Looks like this has been silently fixed since this post. Thanks!
Deeplinking now works on Windows Store Roblox as well!
As a suggestion, adding the “privateServerLinkCode” parameter to deeplinking would be awesome - as it’s currently not possible to send an user to an actual private server in traditional manner.
This change would also allow Windows Store players to join private servers using “privateServerLinkCode” from the generated URL, otherwise it’s still not possible for them to join private servers without being invited by the owner, which is a huge lack.
@goldzun if someone can make this happen it’s you
Using the roblox://
protocol the quotes in our JSON data are getting stripped out of the launchData as seen below. This only started happening in the two days or so, Is it possible to get this fixed?
This has also started to happen in URLs too

Would like to get this fixed as soon as possible.
I am also having this issue
For me, it removes the quotes, and only gives me partial data
Should be {"roomId": 2}
but its giving me {roomId
@Raspy_Pi @9maximuspondal0 @CaptinLetus
I’ve filed a bug report on this issue, please forward the replies you gave here to the bug report : Deeplinking corrupts JSON data
Hey everyone,
Thanks to your feedback, we’ve become aware of an apparent platform limitation on Windows that causes URL-encoded double-quotes to be stripped out.
As we investigate, our suggestion going forward is to not use raw URL-encoded JSON, or any other format using double-quote characters. One workaround we’ve found helpful is to use Base64 encoding for LaunchData, as that’ll remain intact when being passed to us.
I will update you as soon as I have any new information to share.
Thank you.
This does not appear to be the case, just had an annoying code issue because LaunchData is sent with every subsequent teleport
Using the AppsFlyer link on iOS with the Roblox app not installed is just leading to a blank white page that says “app not found”.
Is there any way to solve this?
There seems to be an issue in iOS deeplinks since a recent update.
A user is telling me that when they click on a deeplink in Discord, the Roblox app opens, but nothing happens, the game is not joined.
The problem started happening for this user around October 29th.
Device: iPhone 13
iOS version: 16.6
launchData is not working for this protocol
Base64 also doesn’t work, when you join a game with base64 launchData
sometimes Roblox decides to strip out half of the base64 string same thing with normal strings…
Like this doesn’t work for some reason