Developer Exchange is Moving to the Creator Dashboard!

Excited for this new modernization of DevEx, I just think it would be more reliable for all of the Developer Resources/Tools to be located on one dashboard, instead of scattered against multiple!


yayy!! :partying_face:… finally roblox did something good!


Since I’m still quite a “nooby” developer and I haven’t exactly had a front-page game either, I’m not exactly the most qualified person to talk about this, but here are my thoughts on that anyways. I don’t think the average developer would actually be able to make 22 BILLION ROBUX! I understand that 22B Robux equates to 77M USD (which is a RIDICULOUS amount by the way), but how in the world would an average developer even earn that much? Remember, Adopt Me is ONE OF THE BIGGEST, if not the biggest, games on Roblox which has 30B visits, 25M favourites, and 5M likes at the time of writing this. If you were talking about games that have 500-10K concurrent players, then this might be a different story, but even developers from such games would take quite a while to rack up that much in DevEx. I’m still excited about this change since I have a hatred old “2007-like” websites (not websites that have the aesthetic of Geocities websites though, those are awesome) and I look forward to what Roblox has to offer with their Developer Exchange Platform!


Something I noticed, but it’s basically the same for the entire, is that there is no robux counter on the cash out page, which means you have to go back/forth to see how much you have. Not a massively difficult thing, just not very intuitive.

(A rate rise would be amazing, too.)


In that case, isn’t that just whether you think games delivering revenue or innovation from smaller scale developers is more important?

It’s not that I don’t think Roblox making money doesn’t matter, it’s a business, it needs to, but a small rate rise for the developers just making the threshold has a much greater personal impact. $25 more from $175 will feel more noticeable to a lesser-known developer than those already making millions.


The price of robux hasn’t increased for at least a decade, so inflation should not affect how much money you are making from roblox.


Exactly. The more serious the game dev team is about the work they put into it, the more money they ought to make.

I can agree with you on that. Smaller cashouts = slightly better exchange rate. :+1:

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mobile devexing? interesting workflow i like it lol

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yeah i agree, robux bought by players and game pass prices have increased with inflation, in 2016 a 1000 robux game pass would have to be OP but nowadays that’s the average price for a game pass on some top simulators lol

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Fair point, but not all developers have a dedicated team. For instance, let’s say I somehow was able to make a high-quality game that most people enjoy, but doesn’t have a big player-base. Even though the game is regarded as “quality material”, it still doesn’t reach the mainstream which is a big issue with game development on Roblox. You can make a fabulous game, but it won’t reach everyone until you actually decide to advertise it. My point is, high-quality games need a substantial player-base if you actually want to accumulate a fair amount of Robux.

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Even though im not a DevEx user, I hope that now they are moving it to the creator dashboard, that they can now make it so if you have dark mode enabled, Dark mode applies to the creator marketplace, but stays as light theme if you picked light theme. Because when ive been using dark mode for a while and its kind of annoying switching to the home page and the Creator Dashboard over and over again. So thats my hope that they implement the dark mode theme to Creator dashboard (same with the marketplace home page)


Roblox: a $25-$40+ billion dollar company paying developers ~20% (before federal tax) of their provided worth. Despite the fact that Roblox’ success is derived solely from our labor. This is America 2022.

We’re all grateful of DevEx, but in no way is Roblox a realistic career for ~95% of developers.


It doesn’t need to be. Roblox makes most, if not all, of its profits on the 5% of developers and teams who do make large and profitable games. The other 95% of developers give Roblox a net loss, as the majority of games created in the platform overall don’t earn any profits, while Roblox has to maintain their services for free to said games.

Essentially, even though Roblox encourages all developers to make their own games, they only need the very top to generate profits.


If you don’t have one, and you’re serious about making money, you would get a dedicated team, wouldn’t you?

I think you need to take into account what game you’re making and the people you’re making it for, most of the roblox audience are children, so ‘quality’ games might be a little more complicated than what they might be looking for.

Sure, but what is stopping you from advertising? Of course, some say roblox advertisement has apparently not been very reliable in the past, and marketing is also another thing, it’s not just done on the roblox website, you can use social media and other platforms.

Well yes, you need quite a few players buying your products (or premium players for premium payout), without the players you won’t get any money.

Not sure what you’re trying to get at here.

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Amazing UI, looks way better than the trash 2016 old one.

Now move the entire develop page to the new create page.


I personally have the means to pay my 14yo developer $8000 a month and myself $12000. I think a lot of people are dissatisfied with devex rates because they want a game with 50 concurrent players to make them a living. Sadly though out of those 50 concurrent players only like 3 of them have robux to spend. If you want to make a living you need at least 500 concurrent players.

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There needs to be more information in regards to DevEx.
My most recent payout was declined, and it said
Not Eligible
for the reason, but what does this mean?
Did I use Robux that were not able to be cashed out?
Is there a clear way to see how many Robux you have that are eligible?
Is something wrong with my account standing?

The message says if you have any questions to do Roblox support, but even after submitting a report, its been several days and no reply.

The whole thing always seems very ‘Wait till the stars align, and cross your fingers and your eyes’ and maybe your payout will go through.

There definitely needs to be a more informative process with this, and I think the new move of DevEx to the Creator page would be a great opportunity to make things more clear.


Is there any plans on displaying how much eligible Robux you have to DevEx? It would be really nice to see that before DevExing and getting rejected…


It’s honestly hilarious that this isn’t a feature. Devex is honestly really shady, to be honest. Who’s to say they aren’t declining some people citing minor offenses just to keep their own profits up.

If Roblox plans to bring in more developers, they need to be more transparent on specific policies, rather than “community member in good standing”. This gives them wiggle room and a reason to decline devex requests that were rightfully earned. Roblox needs clear and specific guidelines on exactly who qualifies, and also display how much of your robux are classified as “earned”.

Roblox manually reviews all devex requests, instead this should be automated, saving both developers and Roblox staff a lot of time. If the user doesn’t qualify (not enough robux, fraudulent transactions history), they should be told upfront, instead of laboring for Roblox in vain.

The more I think about this, the more I am concerned. Hopefully a Roblox Staff member will read and consider my opinion.


There still exists a flaw in the DevEx process being that a user seeing what their balance is devexable and not. I have to keep a list tracking what I don’t have devexable such as monthly stipend. Currently my list is apparently incorrect and still haven’t gotten responses on multiple tickets I have opened to find out what the exact amount is right now. It would be a perfect feature to add to the new home of DevEx.