Exploit detection a non-trivial topic where a ton of work goes on the backend, but I think Roblox can improve but also so can Roblox devs. The problem should be reasonable for devs to solve, and I’d like to focus on the Roblox side of this battle.
There are many exploits which I would identify as non-trivial to solve as a developer, I don’t believe I should be required to recreate the humanoid because these character exploits exist. Among all of the numerous examples mentioned throughout.
In reality, this sort of thing can totally be a two way street where big devs can provide data to Roblox about exploiting players and Roblox can provide data to game devs about how confident they are in a way which reduces risk of hiding from Roblox.
Tor exit nodes, VPN IPs, hosting IPs, proxy IPs, are all readily known at this stage. I implore you find me an IP that a site like https://ipinfo.io detects incorrectly. Unless you’re connecting from a residential connection, it’s going to be extremely easy to identify these users and increase the risk identified.
We know from risk management that users who use Roblox over Tor are more likely than not to be attempting to hide their actions so we should take appropriate action to flag it.
Before looking into HWID and IP bans, I think we should (as OP suggests) look at how Roblox devs “ban” people. Because we don’t actually ban, we prevent from using our experiences. It seems like a really minor difference but I think it’s an important difference, all developers have to develop systems with emulate banning without actually communicating to Roblox that we do not want this user in our experience ever again.
I think introducing the ability to actually ban someone and that give reasonable consequences such as being unable to dislike the game, be able to press the play button, and give Roblox idea of the kind of user they should investigate.
Being able to deal with alt accounts is also very important, if someone is using the same network MAC address, browser fingerprint, HWID, IP, etc. of another user I think it’s a pretty good indicator that it might be an alt account and as developers we should be able to flag that so our systems can adjust for it, just as if Roblox were to try to prevent people bypassing their bans. Being able to say that Roblox has a 92% confidence rating that userID XXXXXX is linked to userID XXXXXX or that userID XXXXXX is likely a prior offender.
The way Roblox can handle custom moderation is critical, through policy and Implementation. Devs should be developing secure methods of communication that we expected, such as validating input but do we really need to implement debounce for every remote event input? Shouldn’t this be built in?
Ultimately Roblox needs to be more upfront with the tooling required to help developers deal with these exploiters, and Roblox itself to deal with these exploiters.
Roblox should patch these major exploits or give tooling to developers to take over.
Offering bans and being able to more easily detect alt and likely accounts would be greatly helpful.