The background color is controlled by “Secondary”, But i can try and change that.
At the moment, The Tertiary Setting is controlled by The Quaternary Variable, which is the same as Tertiary itself, so I’ll make Tertiary and Tertiary Low use Quaternary and Quaternary Low Respectively.
Roblox Dark by itself is pretty good, but with DevForum Plus it is alot cleaner, and it comes with a ton of settings, so i urge you, please try it out (if you haven’t already) before commenting.
2.2.0 is now so large it now deserves to be the official 3.0.0.
V3 will see a new “Rigid Mode” where all UI will have no rounded corners, and will also see the discontinuation of “Outline Mode” but will eventually get remade into “Legacy Mode” a mode akin to the V1 UI.