DevForum Plus - A Cleaner, More Customizable Forum

Thank You all SO MUCH for 200+ Installs! I’m astouding how much you all love this style!

Version 2.1.0


  • Changed look of “Last Visit” message

  • The “Work With DevStyle” and “Work with DevForum Condensed” settings now work

  • Updated OP

  • Added Font Customization

  • Made Multiple Username Changes

  • Changed Images From Becoming Brighter On Hover

  • Made Menu Shadow Less Bright And Made It Smaller

If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments.

Jump To OP


Are you going to redo the scrollbars?

just added a padding to it, and added made it lighter when hovered, there pretty good already, in my opinion.

Wait does it look different for me then u?


are you using edge by chance? because W3 Schools has stated custom scrollbars aren’t supported in Firefox or Edge prior to version 79.

Oh yes I am I didn’t know that

Did you, by any chance increase the spacing between posts? Because now, it looks a little spaced out and not congested. Looks pretty nice now.

Also, another thing I noticed:

Instead of Customizable, you should probably rename it to Customized because the users cannot actually customize the theme, or can you?

yeah you can, just click stylus’ icon and click the gear next to DevForum Plus, it should give you a bunch of settings you can freely change.

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Oh I didn’t know that! Other than that, looks very clean!

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Thanks, i actually didn’t know that feature until a few days or so into V2’s development.

Have you tried making it so that the topics showcased in the “latest” section of the category/subcategory listings have the hover effect instead of the entire section. Below (if it uploaded correctly) is a quick example that I created, with the right side showing the code that was used.



Getting this oversized add icon when pressing the reply change button. (Idk if It’s just me)

Oops, must be a size issue when i was changing one icon’s size.

Thanks for the suggestion, i’ll try to add it soon

This issue has been fixed. char limt

This has been added, and the hover for categories has been modified.

When hovering over a theme button on the menu panel, it’s background, text and border color will change to that themes color respectively.

Though I wasn’t sure if I would like this at first, after I customized the theme, it became my preferred way to view the DevForums. Here’s how the forums look now thanks to this redesign:

I like how UI elements animate, especially with “back” interpolation, which is a style that I already liked using for Roblox character animations, and looks just as cool here.
All that I think this needs now is a way to customize the background color and that distinct light blue color used by some buttons and the unread dot. I’ve tried changing similar colors in DevForum+'s settings but none of them affected those elements.

EDITS: If anyone wants to manually grab each color to use it for their DevForum color scheme, here it is:

My color scheme

(Success, highlight, and failure colors haven’t been changed yet.)

Also, I sort of liked each category’s name using its color. Could that be added as an option?

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Glad you like it! and i’ll add it back as i option when i can.

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The new update will include options to have colored text on categories and badges and colored icons on the profile quick access panel.