[PLEASE TEST + FEEDBACK]: Da Brickz, a retro style da hood game

New clips for everyone. Some updated stuff I’ll probably change. Not feeling great about the map :confused: , you all can give advice on it. (I was listening to one of penguinz0’s videos so thats in the background lmao)


Even though this is similar to one of the polls you gave us, you can add “old roblox guns”. It looks something like this:

[Credit to the undead coming game]

Btw I really love how the game is turning out!!


The undead coming has my absolute favorite building, and this game is very inspired by that style. Not a great modeller so that will be pretty difficult, but I’ll try.


There are a few open source/free models on the toolbox that house these kinds of weapons if you don’t want to make it yourself. [undead coming used old free models too, although some had added tris count and better shape to improve quality]

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I love this style and have been wanting to make a game in the style for a long time but 1) I can’t figure out how to mimic it correctly. 2) I have no idea what to make hehe.

Been too long! Happy fall, heres a little update. Not much, just getting back into it :fallen_leaf:


Is it possible for you to link the game (even if it is incomplete)? It would be amazing to try out the features and give some feedback.


By request (from @diamond6529) I’ve published a new testing game. The map is not finished, and I’d love to have feedback on the game!

I hope its been worth the wait. :slight_smile:


Sorry, game was private. Fixed now, @SovietsDevEx

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Streetlights are a must. Add Newsboxes and Hydrants maybe too.

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Looks Absolutely AMAZING! I love the organization of the city and the building style. The animations are a chef’s kiss as well! I would recommend adding more detail to the streets, interiors for the apartments and houses, and animations for the tools. (also the slingshot needs to be fixed) But in general, I see the potential of how popular and great this game would be!

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Thanks for the feedback! Adding animations might be tough since I suck at scripting.

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There’s about ninety buildings in your game and only ten aren’t empty. Every building should have a purpose in a game, not be a decoration.

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Great advice. I’m not making it so all buildings have a purpose due to keeping performance decent, but my goal is having 1/3-1/2 of the game’s buildings have a use, either aesthetic or game-changing.


I just want to say thank you for all the support this game has been getting.

It was #1 TRENDING in r/robloxgamedev and #4 in r/roblox (also the most upvoted creation of the day)

We’re working on a map overhaul and a lot more goodies which im excited to post here soon!!!


Hey, is this game still in development?

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I personally don’t agree with the mild gore. Old roblox from what I know didn’t have gore, just brick characters falling apart

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Yes! Still working on it, pretty much the same as before due to a loss of motivation.


Just try to make the difference not insane, because new players might end up leaving if the same player who has played for hours apon end and grinded out stuff hunts them down.

What do you mean? Difference in trees?